Thursday, October 1, 2009

So, I've been thinking....

Yes, in my paranoid, pregnancy state, I am always thinking. And today when I was walking around the block pushing Ella in her pink Cadillac, holding my aching back because my belly feels like it weighs a million pounds, I started thinking about when we should expect to see my little Amelia's pretty face.

Two my mind, there's no way that this kicking, rolling, knocking baby is going to stay incubated in my belly for another two months. Maybe the doctor is way off on my due date. Maybe I am really due tomorrow! Who knows, really?! We have absolutely no idea when this baby was even conceived. I've always had whacky cycle, and I had not gotten a visit from Aunt Flo (thanks, Merge) since January - so, in essence, I very well could be due at the end of October. Dr. Montgomery just goes by measurements to determine the due date. Maybe she's just a small baby??

Ok, maybe I am overthinking this but for real - two months?? There is no way! Its just a feeling that I've had lately. My circumference is SO LARGE already, and it feels like there is a full grown toddler rolling around in my belly. I've got elbows in the ribs, pounding on the belly button....and this baby is going to double in size between now and then?!? I sound like a first-timer, but I guess Ella was never quite this active (and large!)

So, those are my thoughts. Amelia, I cannot wait to meet you, whenever it is!
I can tell you're all girl because you are really packing a punch with all those hormones you're giving me! I crave ice cream. I yell at your daddy for no reason. And I cry when I watch the Folgers commercials. It's a full-blown, traditional pregnancy.


Anonymous said...

Amelia...your mommy is so funny!! You would actually think this is her first time having a baby but I remember her wanting your sister to hurry and make her appearance too!! It's only natural, and what makes it harder this time for your Mommy is that she KNOWS you're a girl, she's pretty much named you already, so all that's left is for you to come and make your appearance!! Give her a break, little Amelia, and come early... maybe a day or two?? All I know is that I love you already and can't wait for you to get here either!! Love you my little one... Mammy

Anonymous said...

My little Ella... I'm just giving you a little warning...Mommy's wanting your baby sister to come out NOW!! So her hormones are starting to work overtime...she even admits to picking on poor daddy, wanting ice cream all the time (what's wrong with that?) and even crying at this?... Folgers commercials!! I guess you know what's left, huh Ella??? YOU!!! That's what...better be on your best behavior or else come to Mammy's house and I'll protect you!!! I love you my little Ella.. Mammy