Friday, October 2, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

We had an eventful day today!

This morning, Ella and I went to Starbucks so I could take the Starbucks challenge to see which is better: their regular brewed coffee or their new instant coffee. I was taken aback because I never drink HOT coffee much less black, but I sacrificed for the sake of the taste test since I had the barrister staring me in the face. I chose the instant, but it really was better, and he said all the employees there had done the same, and I guess that's why they're doing the taste test. I also sacrificed every taste bud in my tongue because it is still swollen. I wonder if they're giving me 2 day old coffee to compare with the instant??? Hmmm...

After that, we went to McDonald's on 290 for our playdate with my MOPS group. There was about five of us, and we had such a great time. They have the best playland at Mickey Ds because the tables were in the same room as the playground (it takes so little to impress me these days!), and as soon as we walked in, Ella took off running. She played and played with all the other kids, and occasionally she would come to my table for a fry or to bring me a happy meal toy she stole from another child. Nice! I had a great time chatting it up with my new friends, and I love my group. We have so much in common when it comes to parenting (like one mom was saying she talks loud to her baby on the way home to make sure he stays awake until they get home so not to fall asleep in the car and waste precious nap time - I thought only I did that!! Ha ha ha!)

After we left there, we hit Hobby Lobby, and I am clearly out of control with this sewing thing. I mean, it's like shopping for Ella at 80% off and you get to design your own dresses! I bought fabric to make three more dresses, and they are all PRECIOUS!! I came home and cut out two while Ella was passssed out! She was so tired after all that action!

That afternoon, Bart, Ella and I went to our neighbors' Kent and West's house for a neighborhood "happy hour." Fun times! We got to gripe to each other about the Neighborhood Association, and there was another preggo there who is due Oct 10th! I love talking to new moms...I was prepping her for how wonderful a c-section is if she happens to have to have one. I explained the benefit of fresh makeup and hair for her first pics with her new baby. Ha ha.

When we got home, Ella woofed down some veggies and rice, got a quick bath and was out again by 9:15. She will sleep good tonight, that's for sure. With all that went on today, I didn't get one photo. Oh well...


Anonymous said...

Mommy.... you need to have that camera as an appentive on your side... We need pictures, pictures, pictures of my little Ella Vanilla and also my new little Amelia coming!! So tell me which middle name won?? I hope it's the one I picked... i can tell you my least favorite though... Amelia Mae just didn't sit right with me... But whatever you choose, I will love as much as I love my little Ella Pearl and Amelia!! Good night my babies... Mammy