Monday, June 30, 2008

Back in Class again!

Tonight Daddy and I went to two baby classes at the hospital: Breastfeeding 101 and Baby CPR.
I was very skeptical about taking Daddy to the breastfeeding class, but I thought he could help me retain some of the info. It was so great! There were a lot of other daddies there, so your Daddy didn't feel awkward. We learned everything we ever wanted to know about breastfeeding. Evelyn, our instructor, had a great sense of humor about the whole thing, and she had lots of visual aides, including a plush boob and a hand puppet baby that she demonstrated with. It was hilarious, and yet we learned so much!
And I had never taken any type of CPR course, so I learned a lot in the baby CPR class. We all got to practice on our fake babies, and now we know what to do in case you're ever choking on anything (although I pray that NEVER happens!!)
We have another class Wednesday, and Thursday is my next doctor's appointment. Lots of fun stuff going on this week!

Love, Mom

Last weekend in Louisiana till you arrive!

Daddy and I had a short but fun weekend driving to Louisiana in our new car! We started out Saturday evening in New Iberia for Bart's cousin Yancy's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding - a military wedding since Yancy is a Marine, and I had never seen one before. It was really cool. Then we went visit Bart's Maw Maw, which is always a great visit. You're going to love your great grandmother - she's a lot of fun to talk to. Then the reception was at the Gouguenheim. The wedding cake was cheesecake (omg, it was so good), and we got to catch up with a lot of family one more time before you arrive. We had a blast.

Here's a great one of Daddy, Jere, and Tricia - cousins being cousins!

Here's your proud parents-to-be!!

Sunday morning, we drove to Garyville to see Mammy and Paw Paw and show them the car. We had a delicious lunch with them with lots of homegrown tomatoes from Paw Paw's garden. Afterwards, Mammy, Kelly and I went to Christina's Baby Shower together. It was really nice. Terry's sister and Dez did such a great job decorating and getting everything together, and it was good to see her nursery one more time before HER baby arrives. She looked just beautiful, and she got such useful, pretty things from everyone. We really had a fun time.

We finally made it back to Houston late Sunday night. We are loving the XM Radio, which made the drive go by so much faster! And I was so comfy in the new car - I didn't squirm in my seat trying to get comfortable like I used to do in the Trailblazer. But now I am pooped, so I am going to put both of us to bed...
not much longer, my little one.

Love, Mom

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A New Baby Mobile!

Well, baby - your daddy and I went to the car dealership tonight to "look" at the GMC Acadia, and we drove home in one!

It's much roomier than the Trailblazer, and it gets better gas mileage. It's light blue (but is gold in certain light), and it is soooo nice. I feel spoiled (although, power windows is a treat for me!!) This will be your official travelling vehicle. Mommy will drive it to work and daycare, and poor Daddy will be sporting my pimping Pontiac GrandAm (it's good to be the mommy! maybe labor isn't so bad after all!!)

Daddy and I can't wait to get your baby seat strapped in and ready for you!!

Love, Mom

Monday, June 23, 2008

33 Weeks - Doctor's Update!

Bart and I went to the doctor this morning for our 33 week update and the super ultrasound (like I had at 20 weeks, I think it was).

Dr. Montgomery said everything looks great for you. Your heartbeat is regular, and you're still developing nicely. My weight is still right on track (even after my week of debauchery in Louisiana) - I just basically gained the few pounds I lost last visit. I go back in two weeks, and then we switch to weekly visits! Wow!

Then we had the super ultrasound with another lady. Oh my God, it was sooo much fun! She measured you from head to toe, and you moved around the entire time! She said you were a big breather (which I can only assume is a good thing for a growing baby). We could surely see your little chest moving up and down a lot, and when she mentioned it again, I asked if it looked like that was a problem. She said - no way! All that good breathing means your lungs are developing really well.

Physically, she said you weigh approximately 5 lbs!! Oh my! And you have a full head of hair!! We could even see the back of your neck where your hairline was - it was so cool. And when she showed us the front of your face, we could see you yawn, your eyes open and close, and you even had your hands in your mouth a few times. In fact, in the 4d picture she took, she said she thought you were giving us the finger! (remind me to punish you for that later in life!)

We could clearly see your spine, your arms, your heart beating, your lungs, your stomach, and even your little feet. NO, WE DID NOT PEEK and see if you were a boy or a girl. She purposely avoided that area, and she made us turn away when she checked to make sure everything looked ok down there. She did know very quickly, and even daddy said, "well, if you could tell that quickly, there's only one thing you could see that would make it that obvious," but she assured us she's been doing this for 8 years and she can tell very quickly. She didn't even give us a hint (other than, it's either one or the other!)

All in all, it was a GREAT visit, and we are sooo excited to meet you in person. I mean, it seems so real now that you are right there on the other side of my tummy!! We can't wait!!!!

Love, Mom

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Week of Fun in Louisiana

Having a great week in Louisiana catching up with friends and family.

Monday, I spent the morning with Mammy and your soon-to-be cousin, Gabrielle. Then I went to Denham Springs to visit Michelle and Christina. We had so much fun catching up. We went shopping, ate mexican food (surprise, surprise) and ended our late night with a game of Scattergories. Fun times!!

Tuesday, I spent the day hanging out around the Levet house. That night I played Pokeno with Mammy, Nanny and Aunt Shelly's group. It was fun, and it was definitely some delicious cajun food! Wednesday, Mammy made me some of her famous stuffed artichokes (are you seeing a pattern here? I ate the entire week!?) That night, I had dinner with Jenny and Lacie. We had a great time too, and I even got a little misty eyed toward the end of the evening when we realized the next time we'd see each other, Jenny and I would have babies!

Thursday, Mammy and I went see your Penne, Greg and little Jacob. Penne looks and is doing great, and Jacob is just a little angel. He is actually holding his head up a little and looking around. We had a great visit! That night was Bart's sister Anna's wedding rehearsal party. Since Bart was coming in late with Maw Maw and Paw Paw from Houston, I went as Mary's date. It was really nice!

And Friday I had lunch with my friends at Your Other Warehouse. I hadn't seen them in so long, so that was great! And that night was the wedding. Mommy got a pedicure, a manicure and she even had her hair washed and dried at the salon! It was a nice little pampering day. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous, and your Aunt Anna made a gorgeous bride. It was a great ending to a fabulous week!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mommy Loves Swimming

Yesterday I went swimming with Daddy and Kailey at the YMCA, and it was so much fun!! I felt sooo light, and there was no pressure on my back. I could've stayed in that pool all day long!! You were bouncing and swimming around like you usually do, so I think you liked it too! I'm definitely going to have to do that a lot more often!

Today was Father's Day, and I got to spend the morning with your daddy-to-be! He even got a present from mommy! Then, mommy rode with Aunt Mary and cousin Kailey back to Louisiana. Mommy spent the rest of the evening with Mammy, Paw Paw and your other cousin Gabrielle (watching the LSU baseball game, of course!)

Looking forward to a great week with friends and family, although I miss your daddy already (and he misses us too!)

Love, Mom

Friday, June 13, 2008

Burst of Energy!

Well, the last few days have proven some great bursts of energy.

Yesterday, I shopped by myself all day long. It was very nice to get out of the house and shop at my own pace. But I got a lot done, and it was very relaxing, although I was pooped last night when I finally made it to the bed.

Then last night, Bart's sister, your Aunt Mary and niece, your cousin Kailey came from Baton Rouge to visit us for the weekend. Today we went to Harwin Drive, which was fabulous. I racked up on jewelry, and we had a great day shopping till we dropped! We finished it off with some Hibachi for Kailey adn sushi for me and Aunt Mary - yum!!

Tomorrow we're going swimming, as I finally just bought a maternity swimsuit. I mean, really - how good can one look in a swimsuit with a belly the size of a basketball? For once in my life, I can blame my extra baggage on something besides myself!!

And judging by my high spirits and good mood, I'll be riding back to Louisiana with Mary and Kailey on Sunday. So, I got to make it home for all my shananigans after all. Yay! I am so excited. PLUS, I get to see my daddy-to-be AND my real daddy for Father's Day, so that's great!!

Today marks 32 weeks! I can't believe its going to be over soon. Jenny went for her checkup today, and she said baby Briggs is 4 lbs!! Wowsah!

Oh, and p.s. your Aunt Penne Russell Leier just had a baby boy this past Monday. He was 10 lbs!! (please don't do that to me!!!) His name is Jacob Michael Leier, and he is just a cute little angel.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bored and Irritated

Not a whole lot to report. Bart and I went to our final baptism class Monday night and got our certificate, so we're approved parents of the catholic faith! Yay!

It has been really hot outside, which has made me reeeally tired and bored! I mean, I have been sleeping an excessive amount lately, but I think it's just because I am so bored. It's not till Bart gets home from work that I actually perk up a little. And getting comfortable at night has been a little more challenging, but I think I am just frustrated because I just SO WANT TO SLEEP ON MY STOMACH, which I know is impossible. I look forward to being able to do that. My hips hurt from sleeping on my sides so much.

And then there's the distance. I planned to go home for a week to visit my friends and family, but I apparently didn't plan it out well enough because I have no way of getting there. I thought I would just drive myself, and Bart would ride in with his parents the following weekend for his sister's wedding, but apparently no one thinks its safe for a seven and half month pregnant woman to drive 5 hours by herself. Exploring other options, but none of them are working the way I want them to. I'm just irritated that I can't come and go as I please, which is messing up all my plans.

On the bright side, I still feel great.

Ok - now that I got to vent, I feel so much better. Your mommy can be really independent sometimes, and she's not used to being treated with kid gloves - but fear not, she knows this will all be worth it once you arrive!

Love, Mom

Friday, June 6, 2008

31 Weeks Today!

Thirty one weeks today and nothing new to report. I thoroughly enjoyed my first week of my summer vacation. It was fabulous not having to get up early!
I still feel good...belly is of course, still growing, and you are kung fu fighting in my uterus!
Daddy and I went to Walmart yesterday and bought all kinds of things to redecorate your bathroom. I know it will be a while before you will even notice, but it was time to redo that "grown-up" bathroom upstairs. I'm sparing Mrs. Bev and Mr. Tom until they leave, but pretty soon the deco will change from modern squares to "under the sea." It's really cute! You're gonna love it!
Love, Mom

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Doctor's Appt Update

Nothing majorly new to report. We went to the doctor this afternoon for a checkup. The heartbeat sounds great, and Dr. Montgomery says you're growing nicely. I lost 2 lbs, but he said that's perfectly fine. He said the only time losing weight in the last trimester is an issue is if I were underweight when I got pregnant, AND WE SURELY KNOW THAT'S NOT AN ISSUE!! Ha ha. But everything looks good, and I'll be back on June 2rd for an ultrasound and another checkup.

Bart and I went to a baptism class this past Monday too. The class was interesting - lots of preggos and new parents. We learned everything we ever wanted to know about the history of baptism (and then some!) We have one more to go to next Monday to get our certificate for baptism. The baptism will be held at St. Peter's Church in Reserve, La Labor Day weekend and of course, the ceremony will be performed by none other than the IN-FAMOUS (that's IN famous, not infamous) Fr. Paul Hart.

Love, Mom

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Baby Shower!!

This past Sunday at 2pm my mom, my sisters and my sister-in-law threw me a baby shower in Louisiana at my mom's house. It was the most wonderful day!! The cake was gorgeous, donning the same motif as the invitation. The favors were little booties filled with mints made from styrofoam cups and little pinned diapers with "poop" in them made from napkins and whoppers. There was enough food to feed half of Garyville, and it was all delicious! Mammy's house was decorated in pastel colored baby things, and it seemed that your Mammy and aunts had not forgotten a thing!
Then your Mammy gave me the sweetest baby book with letters inside written to you from Mammy, Paw Paw, Aunt Shelly, your Nanny, and even your Uncle Perry!! It was sooo sweet and special, and I can't wait to share it with you some day.
Then there were the games! One was with unlabeled baby food jars, and you had to guess what each food was. The other was poopy diapers, which turned out to be melted candy bars, and guests had to guess which candy bar was in which diaper.
As everyone arrived, I was overwelmed with how many people were able to make it. Mommy got to open soooo many gifts that she hardly got to visit with everyone, but I was soo grateful for all who attended. I even got to see some faces that I hadn't seen since my wedding, which was really great. I got so many beautiful and wonderful things for you; I just can't wait for you to get here now!
As Daddy and I drove away with an SUV FULL, all I kept thinking was how blessed we are to have such wonderful family and friends. It was such a magical day - mommy felt like a princess, and I know it was because of everyone I was surrounded by on that special day. I can't wait for you to be a part of that too!
Love, Mom Your Aunt Lacie always delivers with a special krispie message.

Your Mammy and I taking a break for a photo op!
Your Aunt Shelly and Nanny did so much to make this day special!
It was so great to have your Maw Maw and Aunt Anna there. Your cousin Kailey even made it from Kentucky!
Think this baby will be a tiger fan or what?
All the preggie mammas at the shower (minus Penne)!