Memorial Day was pretty quiet and lazy in the Farrell home. Bart and I actually got to lay on the sofa for part of the day and just veg out! We watched a cheesy movie and many reruns of Pawn Stars while the kids played around us and napped (yes, Ella actually napped for a whole 45 minutes today!) It was nice cause we rarely get to be THAT lazy.
Not a whole lot of news on the homefront. Amelia is trying REALLY hard to crawl right now. She rocks back and forth, and every so often, she pulls that leg forward, but there's no forward motion just yet. You can tell she wants to so bad though. She looks at her sister and wants to crawl right over to her. Today, she crawfished her way right under the slide. I really think she was just hiding from her sister, who proceeded to roll the stroller over her head today. :) On her own, Ella set up a tea party for her and her special guest, Elmo. Can this get any cuter?!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial Day!
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 30, 2010
After seven LONG days offshore, daddy finally came home Sunday morning! It was an exciting homecoming, and Ella was like a little jittery gerbil when she saw his face. Even Amelia looked excited to see him, smiling and clutching to his scruffy, unkempt hair. Gotta love that offshore, scratchy look. We are soooo happy that he is home.
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:01 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Momma's little shopaholics
Amelia woke up a tad later than 6:30am this morning, which made mommy happy. :) I was still so tired though. Ella woke up much later in a great mood, and we played around the house all morning. She had a fruit smoothie for breakfast, and I don't think I could've planned this shot any better. Ha! So, I've been obsessed with this diaper bag. Ever since I went to a local boutique a few days ago, I got to touch and feel all the diaper bags I've researched and written about. Well, I fell in love with this Ju Ju Be bag that by far surpasses all other diaper bags. It looks fabulous, it feels durable and well-made, and it fits EVERYTHING. But of course, they're not the cheapest bags in the world, so I have been on a mission to see all the sample fabrics and sizes to make sure I get the one I want. Anyway - different story for a different blog! So, I schlepped the kiddos across town to Baby's First Furniture. It's this huge baby furniture store with a maze of made-up nursuries and kids' rooms, complete with toys and play things. I don't know what I was thinking bringing Ella there, but I did - and she felt the need to touch EVERYTHING in sight.
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:24 PM 2 comments
Afternoon in the Park
This afternoon, I took Ella and Amelia to the Coles Crossing Park (which is really for their neighborhood's residents, but I just pretend like we live there...hee he hee). It is sooo nice, but Ella wasn't really in the mood to play too much on the equipment. She was more interested in the pool area which they foolishly place directly next to the playground. What child wouldn't be distracted by that!?! Here she is staring at the people through the fence as they enjoy their day by the pool. While Ella pouted, Amelia decided to check out the slides.
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:53 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 28, 2010
Looooong day with my girls
Today felt like the longest day ever!
We started off with a 6:30am wakeup with Amelia for the second morning in a row, but she fell asleep right after I fed her, so we snoozed a little longer until her sister woke up. Then we got on the road, and we headed to a really great park on Cypresswood to meet my MOPS friends for a playdate. The park was very shaded and really nice, and it was teaming with other moms and kids. Ella ran straight to the big-kid equipment, and she took t the tallest slide on the grounds....AGAIN! I think she covered every square inch of the playground! Amelia just looked around and took in the sights (and the heat!) Towards the end, Ella climbed a smaller rock wall ALL BY HERSELF. I was so impressed as she figured out where to put her hands and feet and scaled the mini wall. When she got to the top though, she couldn't figure out how to swing her legs over the top, so she let go and slid down the entire wall, bumping each notch along the way! Soon after, I was tending to Amelia, and she went back to the big-kid section, and I see another mom coming around the corner holding Ella's hand while Ella is red-faced and crying. I rushed to see what happened, and the mom told me she climbed all the way to the top of the BIG rock wall, and then slid all the way down. This wall was TWICE the height of the first one she climbed. She is NUTS.
We left there, and we met the group at Chik-Fil-A. Ella ran around the play area like a wild child. She managed to eat a few nuggets, but she was quick to run from her seat to go play with the other kids. Amelia was again, an angel, sitting in her high chair and people watching. I love that she can sit in a high chair now.
Then we went visit my friend Kim (she actually let me use her printer), and Ella played with Meganne for a bit. She loooves Meganne, and she cried when we had to go, yelling MEGANNE for a while after we left. I love that she has some friends now that she can play with often. They are so cute together.
I spent the next hour or so running a few errands hoping now this crazy child would take a nap, and it NEVER CAME. It wasn't until we pulled into the driveway that her eyes closed and she napped for a half hour. I wasn't about to let her be revived, so we went to the YMCA and I took her swimming. She had a blast running from the pool to the splashpad, back and forth, back and forth. She wore me out, so I KNOW she had to be tired. She finally pooped out at 10pm. The child is BIONIC, I tell you.
Here are a few pics from the playground. The pic with Amelia shows you the mega rockwall Ella slid down. Fun times!
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:31 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Amelia's Six Month Photoshoot
Amelia turned six months this week, and today we took our six month pictures. It was all about Amelia today, but of course we had to throw Ella in a few of the shots so she could borrow some of the limelight. Amelia was a natural...she is soo smiley and happy, and that reflected in her pictures. She was super easy to photograph. Now, Ella P is a different story. She played while we took Amelia's pictures and she was sooo good for me, but when it was her turn to jump in, she wanted to nothing to do with smiling for the camera and posing. She's so funny because she's almost like, 'I don't have time for that.' The girl reeeaaaally had her work cut out for her, but they still managed to get a few good shots of the two of them.

Posted by Farrell Family at 10:56 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Cloth diapers?
Today we went to the Nurtured Family boutique today, and I bought my first cloth diaper. I know, it's CRAZY when there are disposable diapers these days, but I have really been thinking about a number of things. First off, I thought it would make an excellent story for my blog. Second, I thought it would be interesting to somewhat experience what our parents went through when they were diapering us. Third, I keep thinking about how many diapers I go through in a week...and how have they not come up with a biodegradable diaper yet?? So, all those diapers that we throw away, they just end up in a landfill!! That's crazy! Did you know the average child goes through 6000 diapers in 2.5 years?! That's PER child!
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:46 PM 2 comments
Happy Six Months, Amelia!
My little baby Amelia turned six months old on May 23rd! I can't believe she has been in this world for six whole months. Part of me feels like it was just yesterday that I turned my head in the operating room and saw that big, beautiful mouth crying for joy! Another part of me feels like she's been here all along, and that those precious little dimples have been smiling at me for years. We are so blessed to have another healthy, beautiful little girl in our lives, and we love her so much.
Today, I took my little peanut for her six month checkup. Ella tagged along, and I have to say she behaved very well for it not being her doctor's appointment. Amelia weighs 20 lbs on the dot....Dr. Nguyen said that is actually off the chart, but we'll just go ahead and put her in the 97th plus percentile. Ha ha. And she is 27.5 inches long! Dr. Nguyen said she is perfectly healthy and very well-proportioned....she's just a big girl. She had to get THREE shots into those cute little hamhock thighs. She cried for 20 second MAX, and then she was done. She's such a good baby.
This afternoon we went to see Rebeca and Ella got to play with her friend IV. She had a BLAST, and I had a great time catching up with Rebeca. Ella did her very first tumbleset. She's stood on her head before, but this time (imitating IV of course), she got on her head and flipped over. The only thing we need to teach her is to tuck her chin, but I was very impressed!
Then we hit the gym, so Ella AND Amelia were REALLY worn out by the time we got home. I had both girls in bed by 9pm! Yay mommy!
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:36 PM 1 comments
Operation: Wear Out Ella
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:42 AM 1 comments
Toddler Tuesday at the Ruckus Room
We've discovered a new wonderful place to go to burn a little Ella energy. It's called the Ruckus Room, and on Tuesdays, it costs a dollar per year per child, which means I only have to pay a buck! It's just indoor inflatables in air-condition, and there are four different rooms filled with spacewalks, slides and play equipment. We went for our first time last week, and Ella was hesitant at first. There's one spacewalk that's flat with three sides, and there are tons of mushrooms, flowers and things to climb on inside. It took a while for her to warm up to it, but with a little help from her friends Meganne and Kai, she enjoyed herself. We went again today, and she is a pro. She goes on all the slides, even the really big ones. She jumps and jumps and jumps in the spacewalk, and she climbs on just about everything she can scale. It was definite nap insurance.
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday with the Kronenbergers
Posted by Farrell Family at 1:04 AM 0 comments