Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dewberry Farms Pumpkin Patch

The weekend before Halloween, we all went to Dewberry Farms Pumpkin Patch right outside of the Houston limits. It's a great place that I'd been hearing so much about, so we decided to finally check it out. We met our good friends Kurt, Robin, and their little boy Dean there. We had a blast!! I mean, these people really have their stuff together. It's more than a pumpkin's a harvest experience!!

Here's a field of flowers that you can pick your own bouquets of sunflowers, marigolds and daisies. Sooo beautiful. There were also fields of Christmas trees for December, and of course, the pumpkins. This was when we first got there, and there wasn't near as many people there yet. By the time we left, around 6pm, the place was packed!!

Ella loved the corn maze. We started there, and thank God, because I don't think I would've made it any other time than in the beginning. It was a lot of walking!!!

Daddy took Ella to the lookout to see how we could get out of this corn maze!!

After the corn maze, we went to the toddler playland section. There was a big shed full of corn kernels, but the older kids were throwing them. Corn can be pretty painful coming at a fast speed!! Ella wasn't a fan!

But she did loooove the swing! She is smiling from ear to ear!

And she loved the PVC pipe slide even more. This was the kiddie slide...daddy also had taken her on the really really tall one in the older kids' section.

Look Paw Paw!! I'm driving a tractor!!

Ella loved the reminded me of the one I had as a kid with the springs. Remember those?? Of course, I'm sure those are full of safety violations these days!

After the kiddie playland, we moved on to the chicken puppet show. It was a motorized singing chicken show, and they sang songs like, "Old McDonald," "Farmer and the Dell," and "Jimmy Crack Corn." Ella was mesmerized by the singing chickens....she sat there on that bench and just watched and watched. Then some other kids started dancing, so she joined in. This was when she learned her new dance step, the quick step! Ha ha....she does it all the time now. She kicks her feet and runs in is HILARIOUS!

Ella and Dean enjoyed taking pictures at all the hottest photo ops! The sun was sooo bright though!!

The petting zoo was fun too...Ella got to see the horses, the cows and the pigs. She even got to pet a bunny!

After ALL that excitement, Ella finally made it to the actual pumpkin patch. She walked around and looked at all the pumpkins they had to offer. There were yellow ones and green ones and then the really pretty orange ones.

She finally decided on a nice big orange one. This one is perfect!

After she lost the love for the pumpkins, she decided to play in the dirt.

It was a loooong day, but she had a blast!! Needless to say, she slept well that night!

Ella in the morning with a smile :)

Ella has been loving these cool mornings...and I love seeing her in long sleeved pajamas. She has a few pair, but the footies are my favorite because they remind me of my favorite pajamas when I was little. Here's a pic of her in daddy's closet, and a cute video of the two of them cutting up....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Go Eagles!

Today was my MOPS meeting, and it was our last craft for this semester. I struggled with this one, but it ended up coming out really cute!! It's vinyl letters on a big piece of tile, and it may sound like a piece of cake, but it was NOT. Very tedious and difficult to work with!! I had a great time at MOPS though, and I love my group. Plus, Ella had a blast at the daycare again.

That evening, Ella, Bart and I travelled to east Texas to see Taylor play football again. It was nice and cold, which was perfect football game weather!! Ella was bundled up, and she had a blast. She was sooo good! I couldn't get over it!

I was bundled up too.....the game was good, even though we lost. Oh well...

The only bad thing about going to Taylor's games is when she sees him at the end. She cries EVERY time she sees him. Now when she sees him at Paw Paw's house in regular clothes, she LOVES Taylor. But when he has just played a football game, she goes crazy....she cries and won't go anywhere near him. We keep telling him its because he's stinky. We thought it was the shoulder pads, but we took those off for the last game, and she still cried. Ha ha ha.

Friday, October 23, 2009

One month till baby time!!

Today is October 23rd, 200. If Dr. Montgomery takes baby Farrell #2 early like he promised he would, we'll probably schedule the c-section for that Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving....which would be November 23rd or 24th.

So, that would make today about a month away from baby time! Woohoo!
I can't get over how quickly this pregnancy has gone by!

Meanwhile, my little Ella Pearl is growing right before our eyes. Her favorite word right now is "Hi" and "Bye!" She tells every toddler we pass by in the grocery store, "HI" and waves. I took this picture this morning on our way to my MOPS meeting because I turned around to look at her laughing at something out the window, and I was mortified at how big she looked! She looks like a big girl!!!

Bart and I were reminiscing yesterday about how just a year ago at this time, we were propping her up against the big orange pumpkin. She was just a little chubby cheeked, she's soo big, walking around with her crazy personality and her jibber jabbering and her dancing.
I love her sooo much.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Amelia Bedelia

So, I've been thinking....I am not positive that I am going to name Baby Farrell #2 Amelia.

I knew this would happen the minute I decided on it that early. I never make decisions that early because I am such a big thinker, and I knew I would talk myself out of it. I still love the name Amelia, don't get me wrong....but it's just sooo popular right now, and with this dumb new movie Amelia coming out about Amelia Earhart, I know it's going to really gain more popularity. I don't want her to be in class of five Amelias.

Yes, yes, I am aware of the popularity of Ella as well, but I just love the name Ella Pearl so much, I couldn't resist. And if one day she decides her name is too common, she can call herself Pearl, which I love too.

Anyway, back to Amelia...I am just not completely set on it yet. It breaks my heart because I already have some things embroidered with Amelia, and I even ordered wooden letters for her room.

But I think a good name is one that "stops the roll." What I mean by that is when a teacher is looking at her roll for her class, a good name is one she doesn't quite know how to pronounce. When she calls roll in class, she has to stop and stumble on it. I was telling Bart earlier today that a really good name is one that a teacher has to learn!! Yes, Angelle. I admit, I love my name. It's no secret. I want my girls to have an equally good roll-stopping name.

Anyhoo...I wasn't wild about everyone knowing what our baby's name was going to be before she was born now, I can take another month to figure out what I am going to name this child! I have until we sign the birth certificate to decide. I do know one will definitely begin with the letter A! So, there's a start!

Little Miss Crafty....

So, I ordered some wooden letters on ebay, and I painted them as a baby shower gift for Mary. Her theme is Tigger, and I used the colors from her blanket as a base....then my mom gave me the great idea of decopage for the characters since I am no good at proportional characters. And then, I must give props to my MOPS group for opening my eyes to the wonderful world of Mod Podge. Didn't they come out pretty cutie patootie??
I have some other ones I am working on right now tooo....I'll post them when I am done.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ella's Trip to Louisiana

Mommy's been a total slacker, but I have a great excuse! Ella and I spent a funfilled week in Louisiana, so blogging hasn't been my main priority. But I am back to explain all the fun we had while we were there.
I went to my BFF Lacie's Bachelorette Party in New Orleans for the weekend. I'd love to post a pic from the event, but most of mine are not suitable for a family website...ha ha ha. No, it wasn't that kind of bachelorette party considering two of the bridesmaids were pregnant and the maid of honor was recovering from open heart surgery, but we girls sure did have fun anyway! I hung in there like a trooper, 33 weeks pregnant and all! We at muffalattas, walked the streets of Bourbon and I even had a bloody, of course!

Meanwhile, Ella was having the time of her life at her Mammy and Paw Paw's. They babysat her Friday night and Saturday morning. I even called once, and Paw Paw was babysitting you all by himself. It was hilarious, and Ella has got that Paw Paw wrapped around her wiggly little finger. Saturday afternoon while Mammy and Paw Paw went to the LSU game, Aunt Shelly and the twins took over. They went to the St. Peter's festival, and Aunt Shelly said Ella was addicted to the rubbery ducky game booth. In fact, one time when I called to check on her, Shelly told me, "Oh, she loves the duck booth...whenever I can't find her, I know that's where she is..." What!? Oh well, I was on vacation...I'll let Shelly handle it....ha ha ha.

I got back Sunday morning early because I was missing my little munchkin. That was the longest I had ever been away from her. She was having pancakes with Paw Paw, of course! She and Mammy really bonded too. She started crying when Mammy left the room instead of when I do!?! Although it was a rainy, dreary day, we still went to the St. Peter's festival for a little while. Ella rode a few rides.

Then we went to her cousin Brody's first birthday party. Brody is Mike and Kristin's little boy, and he had a great party.

Ella LOOOOVED the Elmo cookies, and when she and her other cousin Janie were through, they both looked like clowns.

Monday was pretty quiet...Mammy, Nanny Kelly, Ella and I went have sushi in Destrehan, and it was delicious. Ella loved the noodles, and she just couldn't get the hang of those chopsticks.

Tuesday, we went see Leslie and Courtney play volleyball. It was an awesome game, and although they lost, they played a REALLY great game. They are really great volleyball players, and SPS has a really good team this year. I am so proud of them.

Then we all went to Taunte Nel and Uncle Perry's to have birthday cake for Courtney. Mammy and I were babysitting while Perry and Janel were out of town, but we had a great party with cake and pizza. Then after Ella went to sleep, I helped Jeanne with a paper....I never get to do stuff like that, so I was in heaven...

Wednesday, Mammy, Ella and I went to Aunt Mary's new apartment in Baton Rouge to help teach her how to sew. She wants to make a blanket for cousin Liam, and Mammy just gave her a few pointers on getting started. Mommy kept Ella occupied, which is always a feat.
On our way home, we stopped at Walmart, and Mammy got Ella the cutest little Halloween costume - she's going to be a bear! She just looked so adorable in it....Mommy's going to make a few additions to it, but Ella is going to make a precious bear.

Let's pray for cooler weather on Halloween!!

Thursday, Mommy wasn't feeling well. I took a long nap while Ella napped, and when I woke up, I felt like I was getting the flu. My body was achy and I had fever 102! My doctor said to get tested for the flu, so I made an appointment for the next day and got lots of rest that night.
The next morning, I felt completely fine. It was so weird. I went to the doctor anyway, and they tested me for the flu. It came back negative, THANK GOD, so we just kept all of our plans. It was the weirdest thing. That afternoon, Mammy, Ella and I rode to Ponchatoula to see Mammy and Paw Paw's property, and they have certainly been some busy beavers!! It looks beautiful!! I can't wait to see they house standing in the middle of that gorgeous lot.

That night, we just hung out that the house, but Nanny Kelly and the kids came in from the St Charles/Riverside game later, and we sat by the fire outside.
St. Charles whipped Riverside's hineys! Woohoo!! Geaux Comets!
Saturday, Ella and I stopped off in Denham first to meet Aunt Stina, Uncle Terry and Andie for lunch. Ella and Andie were adorable...they seem to be jibber jabbering to each other, and they both had a contest to see who could yell the loudest....IN the restuarant.
After, we went to Aunt Mary's baby shower, and Ella had a ball. There were lots of other kids there, and Ella had on her squeak me shoes, so I always knew were she was. Aunt Mary looked great, and she got a lot of nice things. It was also nice to catch up with some New Iberia family and friends.
That night, we headed back to Garyville for our last meal of the week....Paw Paw's steak! We had a nice dinner with Mammy, Paw Paw, Nanny Kelly, and the kids. It was a great ending to a fabulous week.
Sunday morning we left out bright and early, and Ella slept almost the entire trip. Daddy was missing us something fierce, so he was soooo happy to see us when we got home. We had such a great week in Louisiana!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Clearly, I have a problem...

My name is Angelle Farrell, and I am a sewaholic.