The weekend before Halloween, we all went to Dewberry Farms Pumpkin Patch right outside of the Houston limits. It's a great place that I'd been hearing so much about, so we decided to finally check it out. We met our good friends Kurt, Robin, and their little boy Dean there. We had a blast!! I mean, these people really have their stuff together. It's more than a pumpkin's a harvest experience!!
Here's a field of flowers that you can pick your own bouquets of sunflowers, marigolds and daisies. Sooo beautiful. There were also fields of Christmas trees for December, and of course, the pumpkins. This was when we first got there, and there wasn't near as many people there yet. By the time we left, around 6pm, the place was packed!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Dewberry Farms Pumpkin Patch
Posted by Farrell Family at 5:54 PM 1 comments
Ella in the morning with a smile :)
Ella has been loving these cool mornings...and I love seeing her in long sleeved pajamas. She has a few pair, but the footies are my favorite because they remind me of my favorite pajamas when I was little. Here's a pic of her in daddy's closet, and a cute video of the two of them cutting up....
Posted by Farrell Family at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Go Eagles!
Today was my MOPS meeting, and it was our last craft for this semester. I struggled with this one, but it ended up coming out really cute!! It's vinyl letters on a big piece of tile, and it may sound like a piece of cake, but it was NOT. Very tedious and difficult to work with!! I had a great time at MOPS though, and I love my group. Plus, Ella had a blast at the daycare again. That evening, Ella, Bart and I travelled to east Texas to see Taylor play football again. It was nice and cold, which was perfect football game weather!! Ella was bundled up, and she had a blast. She was sooo good! I couldn't get over it!
Posted by Farrell Family at 5:37 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
One month till baby time!!
Posted by Farrell Family at 2:51 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Amelia Bedelia
So, I've been thinking....I am not positive that I am going to name Baby Farrell #2 Amelia.
I knew this would happen the minute I decided on it that early. I never make decisions that early because I am such a big thinker, and I knew I would talk myself out of it. I still love the name Amelia, don't get me wrong....but it's just sooo popular right now, and with this dumb new movie Amelia coming out about Amelia Earhart, I know it's going to really gain more popularity. I don't want her to be in class of five Amelias.
Yes, yes, I am aware of the popularity of Ella as well, but I just love the name Ella Pearl so much, I couldn't resist. And if one day she decides her name is too common, she can call herself Pearl, which I love too.
Anyway, back to Amelia...I am just not completely set on it yet. It breaks my heart because I already have some things embroidered with Amelia, and I even ordered wooden letters for her room.
But I think a good name is one that "stops the roll." What I mean by that is when a teacher is looking at her roll for her class, a good name is one she doesn't quite know how to pronounce. When she calls roll in class, she has to stop and stumble on it. I was telling Bart earlier today that a really good name is one that a teacher has to learn!! Yes, Angelle. I admit, I love my name. It's no secret. I want my girls to have an equally good roll-stopping name.
Anyhoo...I wasn't wild about everyone knowing what our baby's name was going to be before she was born now, I can take another month to figure out what I am going to name this child! I have until we sign the birth certificate to decide. I do know one will definitely begin with the letter A! So, there's a start!
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:59 PM 1 comments
Little Miss Crafty....
So, I ordered some wooden letters on ebay, and I painted them as a baby shower gift for Mary. Her theme is Tigger, and I used the colors from her blanket as a base....then my mom gave me the great idea of decopage for the characters since I am no good at proportional characters. And then, I must give props to my MOPS group for opening my eyes to the wonderful world of Mod Podge. Didn't they come out pretty cutie patootie??
I have some other ones I am working on right now tooo....I'll post them when I am done.
Posted by Farrell Family at 3:03 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ella's Trip to Louisiana

Posted by Farrell Family at 12:02 AM 0 comments