Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Second Week of One is No Fun!!

Hey baby girl,
You have had a wallop of a week. Sunday around noon, you started getting fever pretty high. I figured it was from your shots, so we gave you Tylenol, and you felt better. That afternoon, we went to get a bite to eat, and then we all went to Wal-Mart. In Wal-Mart, your fever started rising again, so I gave you another dose of Tylenol and a bottle (hoping you'd fall asleep on the way home). Well, down the card aisle, you began to look really pale, and I knew we had to get out of there. But mommy was not quick enough, and you puked your entire bottle all over yourself (and aisle six!). Wow....eight ounces is a LOT of milk when you see it coming up. We wrapped you up in a towel (thank goodness we were close to housewares!), rushed you to the front, cleaned you up, and daddy even bought you a new outfit to change into (I think that was all part of your plan!) You looked and felt terrible, and we felt terrible that you felt so bad.

Later that night/morning, your fever spiked up again, and when we tried to give you Tylenol again, you threw up pedialyte again. We felt so helpless, and we didn't know what was wrong with you. You slept between us in the bed and mommy rocked you all morning. I called your doctor, and they said to just keep giving you Motrin to reduce your fever. It must be something your body is trying to fight, and we just kinda have to wait it out. It was so weird because when you'd have fever, you were like a little zombie. All you wanted was to be held and rocked (mommy certainly put some miles on that rocker this weekend). But when the Motrin would kick in, you wanted to play. You still weren't back to your normal self, but at least you were moving. You barely wanted to eat anything though, and that scared me too.

We went on all Monday and Monday night/morning with high fever spikes. Daddy tried putting you in the tub once, and that made you feel better. Mommy would sponge your forehead. Tuesday morning, your temperature was 102 point something, and you were shaking really bad. Your lips were blue and quivering, your hands were freezing, but your chest temp read 103!! This was terrible! So, we got you in the tub again, and that made you feel a little better. I called the doctor again, and we got you an appointment for 11am. You cried the ENTIRE time we were at the doctor's office, another indication that you were just not yourself. The doctor said you had a double ear infection, and you also have some mucus trying to drain in the back of your throat, but it must be so thick, it's just sitting there. She put you on an antibiotic, and she said the fever still may last another 2 or 3 days. Poor baby...

I got you home, and I held you all day long. That part was so nice for me because my usual, active Ella NEVER wants to be held anymore. Your fever spiked up again that afternoon and night, and we tried to give you Tylenol again but you threw it up again. Your body just must not want the Tylenol this weird. Anyway, that night, you were feeling MUCH better. You even ate some rice (the first solid food you've had since Sunday) and cold fruit. You were walking around laughing and was so nice to hear you jibber jabber and act more like yourself.

You woke up again last night around 2:30 with fever, but Mommy gave you some Motrin and pedialyte, and you went back to sleep around an hour later. When you woke up this morning, you didn't have fever!! Yay! You even had a few ounces of a bottle and some applesauce. You did get fever a little later, but not nearly as high as it has been. You were a little whiny all morning, but you're definitely showing an improvement today.

It was all SO scary and sooo emotionally draining. We both HATED to see you suffer so much, and we wished there was more that we could do. Let's not get sick again for a while, huh??

Love you with all my heart,


Anonymous said...

Oh my, little Ella, what I wouldn't do to be there in Houston all this week and be able to hold you and cuddle with you!!! I am so jealous that your mom had all this time to herself. I was a nervous wreck here in Louisiana feeling so helpless and useless. I wanted to be there for YOU and for your Mommy and Daddy. I know how worried they were. I'm so glad you're feeling a little better and you should be feeling better each and every day from here on out! I love you my little Ella... Mammy