You woke up wanting to play on your caddy...you even took your morning bottle sitting IN the car. Too funny. You switched between the car and wagon all morning.
Today was your one-year checkup at Dr. Nguyen's office. She was so excited to see you because you hadn't been there since your nine month checkup! Mommy loves her too...she's such a great doctor.
You have grown 2.5 inches in three months! So, you're official height right now is 30.5 inches. Wow...we knew you were looking pretty tall lately! Your weight is 22 lbs 8 ozs, which your doctor says is perfectly normal. She says you only look thin because you're so tall. Your legs are pretty long (thank your Aunt Anna and Aunt Mary for that one!)
She said you seem to be jibber jabbering nicely, and the fact that you climbed up in your stroller for her impressed her as well. You were all over that little doctor's room.
After she checked you out, she gave mommy some tips on what to feed you now. No more formula! Woohoo! So, from now on, you'll be drinking milk and eating table food! Such a big girl!
She gave you a big hug and said she'd see you in three months.
Then came the yucky part!
A nurse came in, and she gave you THREE shots in your legs. Luckily she was VERY fast, so you only cried in agony for a little while. Mommy was dying, but you seemed like you were doing pretty good. Then we had to go to another room so they could draw blood. They pricked your thumb and squeezed the life out of it, putting blood into a little vial. MORE pain and agony!! You were a trooper though, and she gave you a shiny bandaid to make up for it (big whoop, huh??)
Love, Mommy
Ella... Mammy got two shots in the booty too today and my dr. didn't even give me two shiny band aids... all i got was two patches of blood on my panties. Not fun, is it??? I'm so sorry you had to have those nasty shots, but they will keep you healthy... just like my shots got me well again. But they still hurt, don't they, my baby girl... I love you... Mammy
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