Friday, August 21, 2009

Ella's Blog Transitions

Hi readers,
Well, our blog here is about to go through some transitions. It's about time I print out the last page for the first year of Ella's life, and continue our blog as the Journey of the Farrell Family instead of just the Journey of Ella Pearl. (Ella, you will understand all this one day, I know). I will definitely continue to blog about Ella's life and growth, but I'm going to have to start blogging about her baby sister pretty soon too. I have a poll on the left...if my readers could vote, I'm at a loss for how to do all this. Feel free to leave comments/suggestions and tell me what you think. I have another blog reserved if I want to switch the whole blog all together, but I'm not married to the idea. Or I could just continue blogging on this address ( but just revamp it and gear it towards the whole family. What do yall think?
Take the poll or leave and comment and let me know!
And thanks for reading!!


~Michelle said...

ooops! I may have voted for both on the poll. My computer was beeing stupid. My real vote is for the familyoffarrells. Simply because its a really cute name and easy to remember if you tell someone about it. And one day the kids wont be "babies" so babyfarrelldiary wont be true anymore. But I understand if you are attached to this one =)