Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Ella Pearl!!

Baby girl,

I cannot believe you have been in our lives for a whole year already. I am so sad you are growing up so quickly, but I am so happy to see what a beautiful little person you have become. I look forward to years and years of teary-eyed birthdays and watching you grow and grow. We are so lucky and blessed to have you in our lives, and we thank God every day for giving you to us.

Hope you have a wonderful first birthday!

Mommy and Daddy


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Ella Pearl! You are such a blessed little Angel! And happy giving birth day to your momma! That slideshow had me tearing up! What a wonderful year! Have a great birthday, little one!
- Lacie

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ella!! Hope you have a great 1st Birthday. See you soon...