Obviously, yesterday you were feeling a LOT better. You woke up a little groggy and whiny, but it looks like the teething is wearing off. After noon, you were back to your normal self (FINALLY!) That was the first time we saw the real Ella since last Sunday!! You had a rough week, I tell you. We went back to the doctor Friday, and she said your ears were getting a little better, but they were still infected. Plus you had a viral infection, and she saw THREE molars coming out...wow, I would think that would contribute to a lot of pain too. At least you'll be able to eat steak pretty soon. Ha ha ha.
Yesterday, we took you on a nice long walk around the neighborhood. The weather was so nice, and you enjoyed getting outside for a while. Your daddy shared with me that he does this little trick with you lately...scared me to death, but you LOVED it. Parents....don't try this at home.
That night, we even took you to Los Cucos. Boy, were you hungry! You were stuffing your face with rice and beans the whole time! You had a blast, and mommy is sooo glad you're feeling better. You had another good night's rest last night, and we may try to take you to the zoo or the park today since you've been cooped up all week. I love you my baby girl...
My poor little Ella... I am going to put your Daddy's head between his ears if he makes you hurt yourself on that WILD RIDE!!! The purpose of that little car was for a nice leisure ride in the afternoon...not a crazy ride!! AND you have the nerve to laugh and laugh!! You don't know danger when it's staring you in the face!! I love you my little Ella..
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