Friday, August 7, 2009

Got Milk?

Hey baby girl,

Yesterday, you had your first taste of MILK! Ok, so you've "tasted" milk before from Mommy's cereal, but this is the first time I put it in your bottle. It wasn't all milk, but almost half, and you gulped down that bottle quicker than I've seen you gulp it before!! You've been drinking ALL of your bottles now since I've been adding the milk. If you're anything like your Mama, you'll LOVE milk. Mommy loves nothing more than a nice, cold glass of milk.

Tonight, Mommy and Daddy are going on a date! Mommy's good friend Elise (and her two adorable daughters, Dana and Ella) offered to babysit you while we go out for a movie and dinner. She said her little Ella would love to play with my little Ella. I know you're going to have a blast with your new friends!!

Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

Congratulations my little Ella on crossing yet another milestone. Milk... yummy!! I, like your mommy, love a big, tall glass of milk...(of course a couple of chocolate chip cookies WITH it are great too..but we won't pass on all our bad habits to you just yet). In just a few days you will be one year old and I can remember your birth last August like it was yesterday. I stayed at your house to help Mommy and Daddy welcome you and get you settled in. This Dec I will be there to do the same for Mommy & Daddy when your little sister makes her appearance, but the fun part will be that I will have you to play with while Mommy is busy with sister. I can hardly wait...can you?? I love you my little Ella... Mammy