Ella Bella,

So, on our way to Louisiana on Friday, Mammy found out she has the flu and can't go anywhere near me or you (me because I am 25 weeks pregnant and you because you are a bebe). What!? Mammy and I have been planning this visit for WEEKS. She was sooo excited to see you! She hadn't seen you since the end of June, and she was counting down the days of when she could hold you and kiss those giant cheeks!
Needless to say, we couldn't let her anywhere near your cheeks for a few days. So, Friday night we made a detour and stayed at your Aunt Shelly's. You had a blast playing with your cousins Camryn and Chloe, and I think they had a blast playing with you too. Plus it was really nice for me to visit with Aunt Shelly for a while, which I never get to do that often.
Saturday, we drove south of the lake early in the morning. While you and your daddy ran some errands, Mommy had a nice girls lunch with her friend Melissa and Jenny. We called it "official business" to plan Lacie's shower, but when it came down to it, we just had a great time gossiping and catching up. I miss those girls so much.
After that, it was off to your Nanny's house for the afternoon. We did bring you by Mammy's so she could look at your through the car window, and Paw Paw snuck over to Nanny's a few times to play with you that day. Paw Paw so graciously took care of cleaning up the party pad, while Mommy worked her butt off making your cake at Nanny's house. It was a peculiar day with your Mammy...but we got everything done thanks to your Nanny staying up helping me!

Sunday was the party, and it rained all morning. That's ok because your party didn't start till 1pm. The rain let up just as your guests began to arrive, and we had a great turn out! You hadn't had a nap yet all day, so you weren't in the BEST of moods, but you made it through for the sake of the party. How could you not with all that excitement! Mammy and Paw Paw gave you their gift before everyone arrived....a pink convertible Cadillac.

A little while later, you were ready for cake. You sat there in your princess outfit, your hot pink tutu and your pink crown, just like a little prissy pot! When we lit the candle for your own personal cake, you wanted to touch the flame but Mommy wouldn't let you, which sent you into an instant crying fit. Hee hee. Finally when Nanny and I helped you out with diving into the chocolate cake, it was all over. You LOVED it, and you were covered in it from head to toe.

Afterwards, we had to take your outside, strip you down and Paw Paw and Aunt Anna hosed you off with the garden hose. Hilarious.
After costume change #1, you were still enjoying your party. Paw Paw was the wagon chaffeur around the pool for you and your pals. Yall all seemed to be enjoying it very much.

Love, Mommy
My little Ella... this first birthday of yours and my 62nd (yuck!)turned out very royal and beautiful in spite of my ole flu!! I could have picked out ANY other day to be sick, huh?? Well, I got dressed and put on my bestest smile for your royal party, my little Ella, and I think I fooled everyone...including myself! I had so much fun watching you enjoy your party. But just look out the next time I see you...your little fat cheeks don't stand a chance against my lips... I will kiss you and kiss you and kiss you... I love you soooooo much my little one year old!!! Your Mammy
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