Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fun on the Kangaroo Climber

You are just LOVING your new climber.

And boy, does it wear you out!!? Earlier today, your palms and feet were actually SWEATING from playing on it so much! We had a good really crack me up. I can't ever get over how happy of a baby you are. You are always laughing...even at yourself when you get yourself in a jam. I love that about you, and I hope you keep that quality all your life. It's great to laugh at yourself! Mommy does it all the time!

Here are a few snapshots of the new "positions" you found yourself in today.

Nanny, I need a haircut SOOO bad!! HELP!!

Well, mommy is POOPED out today. Hopefully she can get to sleep tonight because last night she was unsuccessful! Must be your baby sister keeping her awake like that.

I love you, my baby girl.


Anonymous said...

My little Ella... You make me laugh so much and I love that about you... The expressions you come up with are just too cute. I especially love the one where you are standing there with your foot up there right next to your chin!
Your mommy is right about one thing.. she was a happy baby too and she's always been able to laugh at herself & THAT is a good trait. Don't ever take life too seriously, my little Ella... enjoy each and every day... I love you my little munchkin!! Mammy