Sunday, August 30, 2009

Outside One Year Photos

My dearest little Ella,

I am sooo happy to report that you are feeling MUCH better today. Wow, it's like my little baby girl is back. We had a great day playing. This afternoon, daddy and I took you to a few parks to take your one-year photos. We couldn't decide on a photographer (ok, and we couldn't really afford one!), so we took matters into our own hands. I have to say, we did a pretty good job...and you, of course were a perfect little model.

We're going to take a few more this week at the place we always go to, but I finally got my beautiful pictures of my little angel outside, just like I wanted. Well, here they are!

Ella Knievel takes the hill


Obviously, yesterday you were feeling a LOT better. You woke up a little groggy and whiny, but it looks like the teething is wearing off. After noon, you were back to your normal self (FINALLY!) That was the first time we saw the real Ella since last Sunday!! You had a rough week, I tell you. We went back to the doctor Friday, and she said your ears were getting a little better, but they were still infected. Plus you had a viral infection, and she saw THREE molars coming, I would think that would contribute to a lot of pain too. At least you'll be able to eat steak pretty soon. Ha ha ha.

Yesterday, we took you on a nice long walk around the neighborhood. The weather was so nice, and you enjoyed getting outside for a while. Your daddy shared with me that he does this little trick with you lately...scared me to death, but you LOVED it. Parents....don't try this at home.

That night, we even took you to Los Cucos. Boy, were you hungry! You were stuffing your face with rice and beans the whole time! You had a blast, and mommy is sooo glad you're feeling better.
You had another good night's rest last night, and we may try to take you to the zoo or the park today since you've been cooped up all week. I love you my baby girl...



Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Second Week of One is No Fun!!

Hey baby girl,
You have had a wallop of a week. Sunday around noon, you started getting fever pretty high. I figured it was from your shots, so we gave you Tylenol, and you felt better. That afternoon, we went to get a bite to eat, and then we all went to Wal-Mart. In Wal-Mart, your fever started rising again, so I gave you another dose of Tylenol and a bottle (hoping you'd fall asleep on the way home). Well, down the card aisle, you began to look really pale, and I knew we had to get out of there. But mommy was not quick enough, and you puked your entire bottle all over yourself (and aisle six!). Wow....eight ounces is a LOT of milk when you see it coming up. We wrapped you up in a towel (thank goodness we were close to housewares!), rushed you to the front, cleaned you up, and daddy even bought you a new outfit to change into (I think that was all part of your plan!) You looked and felt terrible, and we felt terrible that you felt so bad.

Later that night/morning, your fever spiked up again, and when we tried to give you Tylenol again, you threw up pedialyte again. We felt so helpless, and we didn't know what was wrong with you. You slept between us in the bed and mommy rocked you all morning. I called your doctor, and they said to just keep giving you Motrin to reduce your fever. It must be something your body is trying to fight, and we just kinda have to wait it out. It was so weird because when you'd have fever, you were like a little zombie. All you wanted was to be held and rocked (mommy certainly put some miles on that rocker this weekend). But when the Motrin would kick in, you wanted to play. You still weren't back to your normal self, but at least you were moving. You barely wanted to eat anything though, and that scared me too.

We went on all Monday and Monday night/morning with high fever spikes. Daddy tried putting you in the tub once, and that made you feel better. Mommy would sponge your forehead. Tuesday morning, your temperature was 102 point something, and you were shaking really bad. Your lips were blue and quivering, your hands were freezing, but your chest temp read 103!! This was terrible! So, we got you in the tub again, and that made you feel a little better. I called the doctor again, and we got you an appointment for 11am. You cried the ENTIRE time we were at the doctor's office, another indication that you were just not yourself. The doctor said you had a double ear infection, and you also have some mucus trying to drain in the back of your throat, but it must be so thick, it's just sitting there. She put you on an antibiotic, and she said the fever still may last another 2 or 3 days. Poor baby...

I got you home, and I held you all day long. That part was so nice for me because my usual, active Ella NEVER wants to be held anymore. Your fever spiked up again that afternoon and night, and we tried to give you Tylenol again but you threw it up again. Your body just must not want the Tylenol this weird. Anyway, that night, you were feeling MUCH better. You even ate some rice (the first solid food you've had since Sunday) and cold fruit. You were walking around laughing and was so nice to hear you jibber jabber and act more like yourself.

You woke up again last night around 2:30 with fever, but Mommy gave you some Motrin and pedialyte, and you went back to sleep around an hour later. When you woke up this morning, you didn't have fever!! Yay! You even had a few ounces of a bottle and some applesauce. You did get fever a little later, but not nearly as high as it has been. You were a little whiny all morning, but you're definitely showing an improvement today.

It was all SO scary and sooo emotionally draining. We both HATED to see you suffer so much, and we wished there was more that we could do. Let's not get sick again for a while, huh??

Love you with all my heart,

Friday, August 21, 2009

Turning One Means Big Fun!!

Hey Ella!

Well, since you've turned one, we've been having big fun here at the Farrell house! For starters, Mommy bought you your own gallon of whole milk, just for you. I've been gradually easing it in as I get rid of your formula, but so far, so good. Like I said before, if you are anything like your mama, you will LOVE milk. Plus, it does a body good.

On top of that, since the formula is dwindling, the food is increasing! For instance, for breakfast this morning you had blueberries and a waffle! You loved it! For lunch we had turkey and peas, which you gobbled up. And for dinner, not only did you have chicken, peas and a little of some baked sweet potato pieces, a little later daddy also fed you some broccoli and brown rice. You are LOVING feeding yourself, and more importantly, you are loving the real food! It's messy, but fun!

Mommy took some video last night of us "trying to wind you down" to go to sleep. You apparently learned how to twirl around in a circle, and while daddy serenaded you with the xylophone, you danced in the buff!

I'm also posting a video of you riding in your car (imagine that). But somehow you got a backseat driver! He was cracking you up!

Love, Mommy

Ella's Blog Transitions

Hi readers,
Well, our blog here is about to go through some transitions. It's about time I print out the last page for the first year of Ella's life, and continue our blog as the Journey of the Farrell Family instead of just the Journey of Ella Pearl. (Ella, you will understand all this one day, I know). I will definitely continue to blog about Ella's life and growth, but I'm going to have to start blogging about her baby sister pretty soon too. I have a poll on the left...if my readers could vote, I'm at a loss for how to do all this. Feel free to leave comments/suggestions and tell me what you think. I have another blog reserved if I want to switch the whole blog all together, but I'm not married to the idea. Or I could just continue blogging on this address ( but just revamp it and gear it towards the whole family. What do yall think?
Take the poll or leave and comment and let me know!
And thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ella's One Year Checkup


You woke up wanting to play on your even took your morning bottle sitting IN the car. Too funny. You switched between the car and wagon all morning.

Today was your one-year checkup at Dr. Nguyen's office. She was so excited to see you because you hadn't been there since your nine month checkup! Mommy loves her too...she's such a great doctor.

You have grown 2.5 inches in three months! So, you're official height right now is 30.5 inches. Wow...we knew you were looking pretty tall lately! Your weight is 22 lbs 8 ozs, which your doctor says is perfectly normal. She says you only look thin because you're so tall. Your legs are pretty long (thank your Aunt Anna and Aunt Mary for that one!)

She said you seem to be jibber jabbering nicely, and the fact that you climbed up in your stroller for her impressed her as well. You were all over that little doctor's room.

After she checked you out, she gave mommy some tips on what to feed you now. No more formula! Woohoo! So, from now on, you'll be drinking milk and eating table food! Such a big girl!

She gave you a big hug and said she'd see you in three months.

Then came the yucky part!

A nurse came in, and she gave you THREE shots in your legs. Luckily she was VERY fast, so you only cried in agony for a little while. Mommy was dying, but you seemed like you were doing pretty good. Then we had to go to another room so they could draw blood. They pricked your thumb and squeezed the life out of it, putting blood into a little vial. MORE pain and agony!! You were a trooper though, and she gave you a shiny bandaid to make up for it (big whoop, huh??)

After it was all over, you took a three and half hour nap WITH Mommy, so we all had a good day after all! You're still kinda loopy, but I think we're both glad it's all over!!

Love, Mommy

Ella's First Birthday Party #2

Ella Bella,

We will never forget your first birthday party in Louisiana for many reasons, but the main reason is because the Wednesday before your party was to be held at "Mammy and Paw Paw's castle," as the invitation for the princess party stated, your Mammy got the flu!

So, on our way to Louisiana on Friday, Mammy found out she has the flu and can't go anywhere near me or you (me because I am 25 weeks pregnant and you because you are a bebe). What!? Mammy and I have been planning this visit for WEEKS. She was sooo excited to see you! She hadn't seen you since the end of June, and she was counting down the days of when she could hold you and kiss those giant cheeks!

Needless to say, we couldn't let her anywhere near your cheeks for a few days. So, Friday night we made a detour and stayed at your Aunt Shelly's. You had a blast playing with your cousins Camryn and Chloe, and I think they had a blast playing with you too. Plus it was really nice for me to visit with Aunt Shelly for a while, which I never get to do that often.

Saturday, we drove south of the lake early in the morning. While you and your daddy ran some errands, Mommy had a nice girls lunch with her friend Melissa and Jenny. We called it "official business" to plan Lacie's shower, but when it came down to it, we just had a great time gossiping and catching up. I miss those girls so much.

After that, it was off to your Nanny's house for the afternoon. We did bring you by Mammy's so she could look at your through the car window, and Paw Paw snuck over to Nanny's a few times to play with you that day. Paw Paw so graciously took care of cleaning up the party pad, while Mommy worked her butt off making your cake at Nanny's house. It was a peculiar day with your Mammy...but we got everything done thanks to your Nanny staying up helping me!

Sunday was the party, and it rained all morning. That's ok because your party didn't start till 1pm. The rain let up just as your guests began to arrive, and we had a great turn out! You hadn't had a nap yet all day, so you weren't in the BEST of moods, but you made it through for the sake of the party. How could you not with all that excitement! Mammy and Paw Paw gave you their gift before everyone arrived....a pink convertible Cadillac.

You LOVED it, and you stayed in and out of it all day. I think the other kids liked it was a hit!

After everyone arrived, we opened presents first. You got so many wonderful gifts. You weren't too much into unwrapping today, so Mommy had to help you out a little. But you loved playing with everything after they were opened.

A little while later, you were ready for cake. You sat there in your princess outfit, your hot pink tutu and your pink crown, just like a little prissy pot! When we lit the candle for your own personal cake, you wanted to touch the flame but Mommy wouldn't let you, which sent you into an instant crying fit. Hee hee. Finally when Nanny and I helped you out with diving into the chocolate cake, it was all over. You LOVED it, and you were covered in it from head to toe.

We even got to sing Happy Birthday to Mammy since her birthday was Wednesday. Mommy's birthday surprise for Mammy didn't work out very well, I'm glad Mammy got to blow out a candle for her birthday.

Afterwards, we had to take your outside, strip you down and Paw Paw and Aunt Anna hosed you off with the garden hose. Hilarious.

After costume change #1, you were still enjoying your party. Paw Paw was the wagon chaffeur around the pool for you and your pals. Yall all seemed to be enjoying it very much.

Bart's dad, also known by the kids as Santa, enjoyed reading to Ella and her friend Briggs.
We even had some swimmers. Some older kids kept cool by taking a dip in the pool.

Once everyone was tuckered out, all your guests went home. Mommy made princess bags of goodies with crown and tiara picture frame magnets for the guests. But I think everyone had a perfectly royal time at your princess party.
Even you...

I love you, my little baby girl.
Love, Mommy

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ella's First Birthday Party #1

Happy Birthday, my little girl.
You had such a great day. You woke up in an excellent mood, and you played all morning with mommy. You were so good while Mommy was making your birthday cake - even when her electric mixer started smoking and were so polite not to laugh at her. Luckily, the cake survived!

So, this was your first birthday cake. Not to bad for your ole mom, eh? You seemed to love it when we let you dive into it later.

Your party in Houston was at 6:30pm. Our guests were our friends Krystal & Louis and their little boy Nathan, Greg & Rebecca and their little boy Iv, Robin & Kurt and their little boy Dean, and our neighbors Necoy and Mel with their visitors Hazel and Rudie. Mom and dad served hamburgers and chips, chips and salsa, and of course, a lot of wine (for the grown ups, of course!) It was a blast!!
We started off with a chorus of "Happy Birthday!" Mommy had to help you blow out the candle, but you didn't mind. You just wanted to get your paws into the cake!

And that's exactly what you did.

You were a mess, but you surprisingly ate a lot of cake. You nearly cleaned your plate.

IV was so excited when you opened his gift. He said he picked it out for you all by himself. He continued to play "tea party" with you, serving you tea and cakes. You were loving it.

After everyone left, you were still pretty wired on cake and sugar.

What a wonderful day! I hope your party #2 is just as fun as party #1. Sleep well, my baby. You have a long weekend ahead!

Love, Mommy