Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ella's first visitor of the Summer!

Sunday afternoon, my best friend Christina and her little girl Andie drove all the way from Denham Springs, La to see us! We were so excited to see them and get to spend a few days with them. Coincidentally, Sunday I hung up my Blackberry for the last time and got an iPhone!! Woohoo! It worked out great because Christina also has an iPhone, so she showed me how to use the dang thing!

Sunday night we just went to the grocery store and hung around the house. The girls enjoyed a delicious cuisine of macaroni and cheese and turkey dogs. They were so excited to see each other, even though we weren't very sure they remembered who each other were, and they played so cute together. Every once in a while we had to break up a fight because Ella was hoarding her toys or one made the other mad, but they were quick to make up.

Monday, we took to the road! We packed three beautiful girls in the back of the Acadia, and we headed to the playland at McDonalds. It was so funny because Christina and I kept laghing at how things have changed. For those of you who don't know, she was my roommate in college my freshman year, and we have been through a lot of fun times together. Back in the day, we were going out and partying. Now, here we were, fifteen years later, jamming out to Barney with three carseats in the back on our way to McDonalds. Ha ha ha.
They had a blast! They climbed up and down, all the way to the top and slid back down again. I think Andie was making her momma nervous doing like Ella, but Andie was a little pro! We left there and went to the creepiest little resale shop in Katy called Children's Carousel. This place was dirty, smelly and very unorganized, but it was an adventure to get there! After, we made a few rounds at Katy Mills mall. Stina and I looove to shop, and I love shopping with her because she shops the same way I do. The kids were so good. We stopped in the playland at the mall, and they wore themselves out. Amelia was an ANGEL all day. I tell you, she is A GOOOD BABY! Seriously, that's all Christina kept saying...she couldn't get over how Amelia just goes with the flow. We finally got home and put the girls to bed early. It was nice to hang out and relax with my bff.