Friday, June 4, 2010

My first attempt at a cloth diaper...

Ok, so many of you have been asking....I tried the cloth diaper a few days ago, and Ella had it on her for five minutes before she came to me...wet all down her pants. I was so bummed! What happened?? Did I read the directions on how to set it up?? Did it need something more than what I bought??

Well, YES, time you need to NOT put it on backwards!!

Yes, so I washed it and am going to try round two tomorrow. I should've bought a few inserts so I could try it for a few rounds, but right now, all I have is enough for one change. I also purchased some g diapers (per Noelle Ory Lorentsens' recommendation). HEB had two on sale, but they didn't sell the I have two cute cloth diapers and nothing to put in them yet!

I am not giving up! I am planning on going to a class on cloth diapering in a few weeks, and I want to try a few before I settle on one kind. I'll be writing a series on my Examiner blog about my experiences in the cloth diapering world!! It should be VERY interesting...