Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fantastic Friday

We had a fantastic Friday to wrap up a funfilled week.

This morning, we had a MOPS playdate at McDonalds playland, our favorite summer hangout. Seriously, they're starting to know us by name! It was a 9:30 playdate, which is a little early on the ole get out and go for me, but we made it! I drank lots of coffee, and we stayed for two and half hours so I could get a lunch for Ella out of it. I thought I'd be getting a nap out of it after, but no dice!! Amelia was dressed in her purple and gold, and she got lots of compliments. I thought Brooke was going to put her in her diaper bag and steal her!! Ha ha. Ella Pearl played and climbed with her friends, and mommy got some good momy conversation in with her friends. It was a good time for all, and even though Ella didn't leave tired, Mommy sure was

Ella was NOT happy about having to leave Mc Donald's playland!

Anna and Mrs. Maria made it all better though!

After I tried several attempts, Ella finally went down for a nap, but she only slept for about an hour. She was still so sleepy when she woke up. That afternoon, we went swimming with our friends down the street, Dixie, Megan, and our favorite babysitter Taylor! We went to the third neighborhood pool that I had never been to before (because it's actually in another whole section, about five minutes away). But it was really nice. It was right on a big lake, and there was a huge swimming pool, and a little baby pool that was partially covered.
Dixie bounced Amelia all around the baby pool, and she was in Heaven with all the attention. She was soaking up the sun too! It was a gorgeous sunny day. Megan played with Ella for a while (and Ella kept calling Megan Chloe - I guess she thought she looked like her cousin!) Then Ella made a new friend, Avery. He was the cutest little 3 yr old boy, and he and Ella splashed around that pool like they were best of friends.
Before we left, we all went into the big pool for a while. Ella just went on her own with her floaties on and tread some serious water. I can't get over how independent she is in water she can't touch in. I need to see about getting her in some swimming lessons this summer because she is ready to go.
To top of our Friday, Taylor came over to babysit while Bart and I had date night. We just went to Texas Roadhouse, but it was so nice to go in, get a quick table for two, and not have to carry a diaper bag for once. Still and all, we missed our little girls - and it was a great night!