Friday, June 11, 2010

Our last day with our guests

On our last day with our guests, we hit the stores again, of course. After the girls had taken a long nap after just playing around the house all morning, we went shopping. Our little girls are troopers, and I have a feeling they're going to be big shoppers like their mommas. That evening we went to eat - MEXICAN - of course at Los Cucos. We sat right next to the playground, and the girls played while we ate.

Amelia is a little too young for guacamole. Bummer!!

The playground was a happening place.

Bart and his mini me monkey on his shoulders. He won't have much hair left if he keeps doing this...

That night, the girls got in their best friend pajamas that Aunt Stina bought for them. Are they not the cutest little things??

We all had a great time with our BFFs! We had a fabulous time!!