Hey baby girl,
We enjoyed such a long and eventful Labor Day weekend in Louisiana. It was one activity after the next, but boy, did we have fun!!
Friday night, on our way out, your daddy, you and I went to see your cousin Taylor play football for the Woodville Eagles. You were decked out in your "I heart Taylor" shirt that I made you, and you even had a little black cheerleading skirt. You must've been good luck because the Eagles won! And your cousin Taylor was a star on that football field - it was so exciting to watch! You were just a little angel the whole game...all the way up to the end when Taylor wanted to see his cutest little cheerleader. Apparently you thought he was a little too stinky. Hee hee.
We enjoyed such a long and eventful Labor Day weekend in Louisiana. It was one activity after the next, but boy, did we have fun!!
Friday night, on our way out, your daddy, you and I went to see your cousin Taylor play football for the Woodville Eagles. You were decked out in your "I heart Taylor" shirt that I made you, and you even had a little black cheerleading skirt. You must've been good luck because the Eagles won! And your cousin Taylor was a star on that football field - it was so exciting to watch! You were just a little angel the whole game...all the way up to the end when Taylor wanted to see his cutest little cheerleader. Apparently you thought he was a little too stinky. Hee hee.
We drove late that night all the way to Mammy and Paw Paw's, but they were still in Washington, so we had the whole house to ourselves. Your cousin Christina must've recently brought some of her toys over, so you were in heaven with all the new things to play with.
Saturday morning, Mommy had to go to Aunt Jenny's house to get ready for your Aunt Lacie's bridal shower. So you spent the day with your daddy. First, he took you to your friend Katelyn's birthday party (that's Mossy's little girl) in Paulina. Daddy said you had a blast, and you even got to swim with the birthday girl. Then you and daddy spent the rest of the day at Mammy and Paw Paw's playing. When Mommy got back that night, we all sat around and watched the LSU game. It didn't start till 9:30pm, and we looked on tv to see if we could see Mammy and Paw Paw at the game. It didn't take long for Mommy and you to pass out, though so we'll never know if they were on tv or not!!
Sunday was a really busy day! That morning we went to church at St. Peter's, and afterwards, it was Ashton (Caroline's little boy)'s baptism. We stayed for the baptism, even though you were a little hyper. Aunt Shelly came and calmed you down (and apparently threatened you that Jesus would set you on fire if you weren't good....gotta love that Aunt Shelly!) But hey, whatever works!
Then we drove to Denham Springs for your other friend Andie's birthday party (Christina's little girl). It was a great party, and mommy and daddy were fascinated by the delicious cake!! You were fascinated by the unwrapping of the presents. And after all the presents were unwrapped and 80 billion toys lay on the floor, you found the one book and were reading it like no one else was in the room. Yall really had so much fun, and your Aunt Christina threw a great first birthday party.
Then we left there and went see your Aunt Anna, Aunt Mary, Uncle Jim, and Paw Paw Tom. We all headed over to Anna's for dinner, and she cooked us a great roast, beans and rice. They were all excited to see you, and you were hamming it up, as always. You kept playing with your favorite giant white german shepherd, Maddy - you were running circles around her. I don't know who was more tired when we left.
Monday, you got to spend the whole day with Mammy and Paw Paw since they came back from Washington Sunday night. Mammy was sooo excited to finally be able to kiss your cheeks and not having to worry about getting you sick. Nanny and her girls and Aunt Shelly and her girls also came over, and we all had a blast. Nanny gave you another haircut. Paw Paw took you to visit Maw Maw Myrtle, and you were just loving up all over him. Mammy was jealous. Hee hee. We had such a nice day.
Although we both caught a cold SOMEWHERE in all that activity, it was well worth it because it was a great, long Labor Day weekend in Louisiana!
Love, Mommy
My little Ella... you are so funny. I am STILL finding things that your mommy put "high and away" from your reach!! You are definitely into everything but I don't care. You can break everything in the house as long as I get to see you... (well,maybe not EVERYTHING) I had a wonderful time with you on Monday and Tuesday and I can't wait to see you and Mommy and Daddy again.
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