Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mammy's Visit

Mammy is visiting this week, and we are having so much fun! Monday we shopped all day and dealt with doctor visits. And today, she gave me a sewing lesson! We went this morning to buy fabric, and this afternoon we sewed a dress together for Ella as my "lesson." Tomorrow, I am going to try one all by myself....I'm pretty sure after that, I am going to be a sewing maniac because it was soo easy! We are having a blast...

We're also on a mission to get her to watch an entire season of Desperate Housewives because the new season starts Sunday (so she's GOT to be caught up!!) We have a looong way to go.
Fun times!! Time is flying by too fast!!


Anonymous said...

Oh it sounds like you are having so much fun, tallent certainly run's in the family. Is Ella P in her new dress that you made?? So cute, what a beautiful little dress. I hope that you both catch up on D.H in time for the new season, thank goodness golden girls is not on aswell as you both may just be up all night xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha opps too quick to publish Love Amber xxxx

Anonymous said...

my little ella....oh how Mammy HATED to leave you!! We had so much fun and you were getting so close to me and we even managed some cuddling time... I love you so much and miss you too!! I love your little dress we made and you look so cute in it and your mommy is SOOO talented...you'll be the best dressed girl on the block!! I love you my little Ella... Mammy