Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mammy's wonderful visit!

Mammy just left this morning, and already we are missing her!

It was such a great visit, even though it was way too short. She came in Sunday afternoon, and of course, we hit up Los Cucos first and foremost!

Monday, we had two doctor's appointments - one for an ultrasound and one for the checkup, so a lot of our time was spent in the doctor's waiting room, but thank God Mammy was there because Ella was quite rambunxious. But Mammy got to see Amelia, so that was good! In between all that fun, I picked up my bridesmaid dress for Lacie's wedding, and we spent a lot of time at the mall walking around, which I hadn't done in a while! Then we hit the outlet mall so Mammy could get her Skechers Shape Up shoes...they are so stylish, and I tried them on. So walking on air! That night, I cooked a chicken florentine, which didn't come out too bad! Each night she was here, we went to Blockbuster and rented a four-episode DVD of Desperate Housewives because it was my mission to have my mother completely updated before the season premiere this Sunday!

Tuesday, we went to Jo Ann's Fabric to pick up some cute fabric pieces to make a dress for Ella. After lunch, we came home and Mom gave me step-by-step instruction on how to make an a-line dress for Ella, and I watched her every move. It took us about four hours for her to teach me the basics and make an entire dress, and it came out so precious! Each night Mammy gave Ella her bath, which both of them LOVED!!

Wednesday we went to Wal-Mart and Mom helped me pick out a new sewing machine! My old one was pretty much spent, and I wanted to start sewing on a machine that I knew was working in tip top shape. We went to a Wal-Mart that still sells fabric, and we found some more GREAT fabric, but I am going to wait before I buy more. After lunch, we came home and Mom watched TWELVE episodes of DH while I sewed an entire dress by myself, pausing the show from time to time so I could ask her a question. I made her do....I think her eyes were about to cross! But it was so much fun watching together and laughing! I finished another whole Halloween dress that came out ADORABLE! Mom was so proud, and I definitely think I have the sewing bug now because I can't wait to try to make more!

This is the one we made together....

And this is the one I made by myself

That night, Mom watched Ella while Bart and I went out on a was so nice to go to Outback and TALK like old times. We had such a nice time, and Mammy was LOVING feeding, bathing, and putting Ella to sleep. When we got back, Mom and I finished watching DH till 3am! Ha ha...amazingly, I was not tired, and we watched an ENTIRE season of DH in her visit. So funny. I am obsessed, but I am so excited to know that Sunday we'll both be watching the new season, and then we can discuss it after together!! (P.S. Mike BETTER be marrying Susan!!)

This morning, Mammy got to get Ella out of her crib, and we had breakfast before she had to leave. Ella waved by to her as she went to her car...they really bonded on this trip!!

We got sooo much done, and we enjoyed her visit sooo much, but we didn't take many pictures. Oh we all need a nap!!


Anonymous said...

Love the dresses!!! I am so proud of you.

Roxanne said...

Dresses are precious. . .so glad you are getting to soak up this time with Ella while you wait for Amelia to show up. :)