Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yes, the secret is out!

Ok, so it isn't much of a secret at all.
We haven't been vocal about it but we haven't hidden it either.
We're 99% sure that the new baby's name is going to be Amelia. We have no idea about a middle name yet, and we probably won't know until the big day.
But unless some other name just magically makes me change my mind, we're pretty positive on Amelia. In fact, when Ella says her prayers at night, she prays for "Amelia," and when Bart talks to the baby through my belly button (yes, he still does that), he calls her Amelia.

It's sooo weird this time since the first time we didn't even know it was a boy or girl, and this time we even have a name for you...but I kinda like having a name to go with a "kick." Ha!