Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ella is sharing...

Well, at least she's sharing, right?


Anonymous said...

OKAY ELLA PEARL....Mammy usually thinks that ANYTHING you do is precious....and i think you should ALWAYS share your toys and candy... but NOT WITH ZOE!!!! I am going to spank you Mom and Bart when i get to Houston tomorrow... can you say UNHEALTHY???? No... cannot say I enjoyed THAT one!!! YUCK, Ella... don't do that again, PLEASE and brush your teeth before I come tomorrow and kiss you!!!! I love you, Mammy

Anonymous said...

oh and Ella.... did I mention that you DO NOT know where his tongue and mouth has been??? Please don't share with Zoe again, PLEASE???? Thanks and i love you so much... Mammy

Anonymous said...

Oh wow - that's a funny video! And she's getting so tall! And did she get a haircut recently?!!? Our little Ella is growing!
- Lacie

Anonymous said...

WOW Ella P is growing up so fast <3 I do agree that was pretty gross but caring is sharing!!!! She makes me laugh, I can not wait to hang out and play. Love Amber xxx