Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Break Weekend

Ok, here's the update I promised!

The Wednesday of Spring Break, your daddy and I set off for Louisiana. We were so excited to see family and friends! Wednesday night, we spent time visiting with Paw Paw Tom, Aunt Mary, Uncle Tommy, Uncle Pat and Aunt Anna. They were all SOO excited to see you. Paw Paw Tom has a beard now, and he looks just like Santa. Just as you were not too sure about Santa, you were not too sure about Paw Paw Tom's beard, but one day, when you realize how much he resembles the man who brings the presents, you will LOVE it. Ha ha.

Aunt Mary's friend Mr. Jim got you a cute Hurley red jacket. They thought it would be too warm for March, but little did Aunt Mary and Mr. Jim know - it was cold again the next weekend!! That's southern weather for ya!

Thursday morning, we brought you down to Garyville to stay with your Mammy and Paw Paw Larry. They were also SOOO excited to see you, and Mammy had been counting down the days unti your visit. After we unpacked ALL your toys and clothes and stuff, Mommy and Daddy headed to Biloxi, Ms for a few days while you visited with tons of family. I have lots of pictures that Mammy took of your stay, but I'll post those later since she has failed to send those to me yet!! She's slacking! But we heard you rode the tractor with Paw Paw, you spent the night at your Nanny's house, and you got to visit your Great Maw Maw Myrtle! And guess what else happened while we were away??? Your first tooth broke through the surface of your gums!! Yay!

Your Mommy and Daddy didn't come back until Saturday, and boy, did we miss you! We called like five times a day while we were away (this was the longest we had ever been away from you!), and we talked about you the whole time we were in Mississippi.

Saturday afternnon, we had dinner with Aunt Melissa, Aunt Lacie, Aunt Lani, Aunt Jenny and your friend Briggs. You and Briggs are getting so big, and I know yall are going to be best of friends one day. We were celebrating Aunt Lacie's engagement, and we got to check out her beautiful bling-bling ring! It was so much fun to hang with the girls (and Briggs) and talk wedding!

Sunday was a GREAT day but a super busy one too! All the family came over to Mammy and Paw Paw's to celebrate Aunt Shelly and Nanny's birthday. It was also Fr Paul and Taunt Nel's birthday, and although Fr Paul made it, Taunt Nel had the chickenpox, so she couldn't come. But all your cousins were there...Paw Paw got some great pictures of you all. It was a beautiful day with great food! You even ate a little ice cream from the cake!

That afternoon, we went to Aunt Anna's house, and we got to visit with lots of family there too! Uncle Travis barbecued as well, and it was yummy! By the time we got in the car to come home, we were all POOPED!

But it was a wonderful weekend, and a great way to end Spring Break!
Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

Hello my little Ella...yes, Mammy had a wonderful time babysitting you and just wishes it would happen much more often. AND, those pictures that your mommy talks about will get there as soon as she can figure out how to download them on her computer that your daddy fixed for mammy. I am so sad that you are sick now...and I am just waiting for the phone call that your mommy needs me there to take care of you...OFF I GO!!!!!
I love you my little Ella Angel... mammy

Andrea's Mom said...

Wow! Tom really does look like Santa! HAHA Ella is so darn cute and getting so big. I am so happy that she got her first tooth. How exciting! I love yall. I wish I could have seen yall when yall were here. Yall hurry back. Andrea and I will have to make a trip to Houey this Summer. Love yall.