Monday, March 2, 2009

Nothing New on the Homefront

Not a whole lot to report.

Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a nice weekend with you! We did a lot of shopping, and as always, you were a complete angel.

You just started holding your own bottle...well, you've been doing that for quite a while now, but now you're a pro! When I went to pick you up today, you were "hanging with the girls" at daycare - yall were all sitting upright in a circle on the play mat. Too cute!

Other than that, there's nothing new. You have an endless snotty nose that's making you cough at night. Maybe you inherited mommy and daddy's allergies.

Here are a few pics from the past couple of days - you're still majorly teething - I'm waiting for that tooth any day now. You're getting so big so fast. STOP GROWING ALREADY!


Anonymous said...

what a precious smile.... that daddy is so sweet to be reading you stories when you clearly aren't paying any attention!!! Shame on you, Ella!! At least you could look like you're interested!! I just love you soooo much and cannot wait to see you and have you all to myself for a few days!!! mammy

Anonymous said...

Ella P don't grow up too quickly...Love the picture of Bart and Ella P too adorable!! Love all the photo's keep capturing every moment :D priceless!!!
Love Amber xxxx