Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy 7 Months!

Hey baby girl!

In honor of the 7 months you have been in our lives, Mommy decided to give you a bath in the kitchen sink! We hadn't bathed you downstairs in the kitchen since you were much smaller. You had sooo much fun! You splashed and played. I am so glad Mommy is on Spring Break so she can spend some well-needed time with you.

I love you my baby girl.
Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

Awwww....bebe Ella in the sink! How adorable! I love it! Enjoy your Spring deserve it!

Anonymous said...

My precious little angel mermaid... you had so much fun in that sink that's just your size, didn't you!! I cannot believe you are seven months already... and did I mention how i CAN NOT WAIT for you to be here in a few days... Get those cheeks ready b/c they are mine!!! I'm going to kiss you till you are going to be SICK!!! I love you sooooo much my little Ella!! mammy