Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sicky Ella

This is just some old news that I wanted to include.

Two weeks ago (the Thursday after our Spring Break) you woke up with fever. It was high, which really scared Mommy but you were holding your mouth so I thought you were teething. At one point the thermometer said 105! I gave you some Tylenol, and it went down to about 101 for a while. When we called the pediatrician, they said to monitor it but if you still had it after a day, we should probably get it checked out. I stayed home with you Thursday, and you slept a lot. Friday, you still had fever, but it was around 100 all day. Daddy stayed home with you that day, and he said you seemed to be feeling better. You weren't sick, just had fever.

Saturday morning, you woke up with fever again and when I took you temperature, the thermometer said HI!! I freaked out. The thermometer wouldn't even tell me what your temperature just said that it was high!! I was so scared! We called the doctor, and we got you an appointment for that afternoon. After doing a little blood test, the doctor said you had a bacterial infection!! I don't know how you got it, but it made you feel icky!! You were sooo tired and lethargic and docile. Very scary. The doctor put you on antibiotics, and Sunday you still had a little fever. Finally, Monday it seemed to stay down. Daddy stayed with you in the morning, and Mommy stayed with you in the afternoon. By Tuesday, you were back at daycare but TALK ABOUT A SCARY EXPERIENCE. Thank God we took care of it early because the doctor said it could've been even worse!!

Love, Mommy