Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ella got a haircut

Yes, a haircut.

Your hair has been growing straight forward. And that's fine, except it's starting to get longer. When it gets in your eyes, you rub and rub and rub your eyes until they're red. So, this morning...mommy just gave you a quick haircut. Of course, I saved the hair in your little "first curl" container - but I'm starting to think I shouldn't cut your hair in the morning before my coffee when I am still half asleep. When I went to pick you up from daycare, you had bangs!! Ok, so it wasn't that bad, but it looked funny.

Oh well! It's just hair, and it will grow back.

And you have been majorly teething. You have little crying fits, which is so unlike you, and you're feeling for your mouth, so I know it's only a matter of time before a tooth pops out.

Before you went to bed, you had your piano lessons.

Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

It seems like the more girls I get, the worse the hair gets... I was looking at your hair, and also since I've been babysitting for your cousin Christina Jo, I've been looking at her hair and it's a toss up which one is more unmanagable. Just between you and I, though, I think you have a big edge on her....but don't tell her I said that. Your haircut looks really cute and i cannot WAIT for those Farrell curls to kick in!! Also, Liberatti-ette, I cannot wait to hear your first recital when you come home again.... I love you so much, my little Ella... Mammy

Anonymous said...

Awww, look at Ella tickling the ivories! Future musician in training!

- Lacie

~Michelle said...

So cute! Gelle, glad you got a new computer and are back to blogging with your bad self. Ella in her jumper and her new shoes and her hair cut and her playing the piano...all so stinking adorable! Keep em coming!

Anonymous said...

She is growing so fast! I can't wait to see ya'll again. Give her lots of hugs and kisses for me! Love u guys!
Aunt Anna

Anonymous said...

A star in the making that is for sure, just wait till the hair dye and home haircuts are the norm!!! Ella P is beautiful as always even with the new haircut before the coffee lol Love ya all Amber xxxx