Sunday, November 16, 2008

So faaaaaar away.....

Tonight is your first night to sleep in your room all by yourself. I have only gone upstairs and checked on you about ten times already. That's ok. I need the exercise. We have the baby monitor hooked up, and daddy has the video camera hooked up so we can just turn the tv on and see how you are doing any time we want. I know you'll be just fine, but I feel like your so far away. I loved having you in the living room where I could pass by whenever I wanted and see your little angelic face. But I know you can't stay in the den forever, and you probably like it in your own room where its nice and warm and quiet.
Still and all, I'll have no problem going upstairs in the middle of the night just in case you need me.
Love, Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

Ella how exciting your first night in your own room!! Mommy and Daddy spent a lot of time decorating it and making it perfect, so I know that you will be just fine. If you do get a little scared just snuggle up with your blanket and make a little noise as Mommy and Daddy will be right there by your side to make you feel safe again. Goodnight little Ella sweet dreams beautiful girl xxx Love Amber

Anonymous said...

Oh precious little Ella is going through the first milestone of her life.... that makes me want to cry! Don't grow up too fast, my little Ella. I know it was much easier for Mommy to put you in your bed when Mammy was up there with you. I think she maybe needs Mammy up there in Houston to be right next door to you and hear every little sound you make. I miss you so much, Little One. But I'll be seeing you soon.... I love you so much, Mammy