Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!!

My baby Ella,
We all know that the day God blessed us with your beautiful presence history was made. But today, another type of history is also being made. Today is Election Day for the President of the United States. One of the candidates is Barrack Obama and the other is John McCain. The reason its so historical is because if Obama wins, he will be the first African American president and if John McCain wins, his running mate Sarah Palin will be the first woman to be Vice President! Either way, its a very big day, and Americans all across the country are at the edge of their seat tonight. Mommy and Daddy voted early, and tonight, we're all watching the votes come in. Sooo nervous!!

You on the other hand are so cool and collected. How are you not nervous!?!? Ha ha. I guess you're too young to care. Just know that one day when you are older and you read this blog, you will care what happens to the future of our country, and you will be as nervous as I am today. And also know that you were 2 months, 3 weeks and 1 day when history was made with the 2008 Presidential Election!

Love, Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

Ohmygod Baby Ella... It seems like the votes are pretty much counted and the new President of our United States will be Obama. It is a very tense moment in history right now and hopefully God will take care of us and this United States of America. It will be interesting as you read this blog as an adult, to see just what kind of impact tonight has made in the history of politics. Hopefully it will be a good and resourceful impact that will lead this country to nothing but good!! I love you my beautiful little Ella.... Mammy

Anonymous said...

Ella I have saved some newspapers for you the day that Obama was ellected. When you are older you will be able to see how Australia viewed the 2008 election..... Love Amber xxxx