Friday, November 14, 2008


Well, it's been a week since I've posted, but we have been busy!! Monday, I got sick! I don't know if you got me sick or I got you sick, but I stayed home from school Tuesday. I slept the entire day! Since then, mommy's been trying to stay afloat at school, and you've just been busy looking cute! You've just been gooing and gahing and smiling up a storm. Daddy and I have been loving it.

This Friday was your daycare's 50th anniversary, so they have a 50's sockhop dress-up day at Kids R Kids. Mommy can NOT resist a dress-up day, so she had you dressed to the nines. Do you like your poodle "pants"? I ironed on that puppy and sewed that leash so it would look like a poodle skirt. And don't ya just love your new black mary janes?

This weekend we're taking your 3 month portraits. I can't wait to see how they come out!!

Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

My poor little precious Ella... You have such a long road to hoe... Your mommy will be into all those "dress up days" and like it or not, you WILL participate. But that's good because you will always be involved because you KNOW your mommy will be too!! You look just precious in your "poodle pants" and your mommy did a wonderful job dressing you in style!! I love you and miss you so much...Mammy

Anonymous said...

Gelle you are so talented...LOVE the outfit and it seems like Ella did too. Oh my goodness the video clip made me speechless, I know can you believe me not having anything to say. Ella you are so beautiful and I can not wait to meet you and while Mommy and Daddy are at work we can hang out, play all day!!! Love you all Amber xxx

~Michelle said...

OMG you are the craftiest mom alive! The "poodle skirt" pants are so cute! Love the video. I think I heard her say "I love Aunt Chelle."