Sunday, November 23, 2008

Poor little Ella

Poor baby had a whallop of a cold this weekend. It all started Friday night. You started coughing a lot - and it just got worse. You had a hard time sleeping Friday night. We felt so bad for you...every time you would cough, your eyes would water and your whole body would convulse. When you ate, you would choke a lot. Scared the bejeebies out of mommy!!
Daddy and I ran your humidifer and got your some baby Vapo rub. I bathed you with baby Vapor bathsoap. You felt better Saturday, but Sunday night you were worse. You had a little fever, but just enough to aggrivate you. Bart put some special herb drops in your humidifier....hopefully you'll feel a lot better tomorrow. You're sleeping now finally...
We hate feeling so helpless.
I love you.