Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Daycare! Daycare! We love daycare!!

You've been sleeping in your room every night, and you've been doing great up there. Mommy and daddy can watch your every move all night (in fact, yes, we literally put you on the TV and set the sleep timer so we can fall asleep watching you). Its great, and we all get some sleep at night.

I brought you to daycare this morning, and they're always so nice. I noticed a project they were working on, but I hadn't seen the finished product. Mommy had to stay late at school today for tutoring, so daddy picked you up from daycare - and he brought home your new project. Isn't it adorable?! I tell you - I was hesitant at first about bringing you to a chain daycare instead of someone's house - but they really work with you at Kids R Kids. And they're always doing projects, having activities going on, anything to make things exciting. I just love it!!

The week is halfway over. Mommy will be happy when the weekend is here so she can spend more time with you. And then next Wednesday we go to Louisiana!! Yay!!

I love you, sweet pea. Love, Mommy