Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ella's First Halloween

Ella in her crib at daycare!

Ella and her pals!

Ella and her afternoon teacher, Miss Ericka

Ella's first Halloween was sooo much fun! Friday morning we got her dressed up in her little pumpkin costume. The daycare was buzzing with little kiddies dressed up in their costumes and lots of pumpkins and decorations. Ella's teachers took some pictures of Ella and her buddies in their costumes....aren't they so precious?? When I went to pick her up, they had a goodie bag for her (well, it was candy - I guess it was for Mommy and Daddy!) The little bag was soo cute....on it was a black piece of construction paper with Ella's white footprint upside and they turned her little footprint into a ghost. It was so cute!

Ella and Mommy (Mommy sporting crazy hair day for school!)

After school, we got ready for any trick-or-treaters. We sat in the driveway with you in your stroller and our big basket of candy. I was sooo excited because we really had trick-or-treaters!! We gave out a good bit of candy, and we got to see lots of costumes. Then daddy and I took you for a walk around the neighborhood. You were conked out the whole evening, but everyone thought you were the cutest little pumpkin!!

Mommy and her little pumpkin

Ready to hit the streets for candy!

It was a great night!!
Love, Mama Gelle


~Michelle said...

Gelle, I am glad that Ella's first Halloween was a great one! I cant wait to hear all about Ella's first Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines day...well you get the picture.
Love, Chelle

Anonymous said...

My precious little Ella Pumpkin!!! It is easy to see why you are the cutest pumpkin in the Now I ask you...have you ever seen a cuter pumpkin than my little girl? Of course not!! Halloween was fine....but I am waiting and living for Thanksgiving because I know you will be here with me.... Come on turkey day.... Love, Mammy

Anonymous said...

Ella is the sweetest, cutest little pumpkin! Love it! I bet she got the most candy of all your neighbors!

- Lacie

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Halloween Ella, I agree with the neighborhood you are the cutest little pumpkin I have ever seen. I am glad that you & your Mom gave out lot's of candy (I'm sure you recieved lot's in return) as I know that she was very excited to have you with her this Halloween as last year was not all that she had wished it to be. It sounds like it was a BIG day, maybe I will be with you all next Halloween. I think the candy bag your teacher helped you make was very cool, who would have thought your feet upside down turned into ghosts....Ella you are very clever!!!! Happy Halloween Amber xx