Tuesday, November 25, 2008


My little baby girl...you had your first real sickness this week. Sure, you've had a stuffy nose now and then, and you had a little cough in the past - but starting this past Saturday, you started with a really bad cough. Then came the fever. Daddy and I took care of you all weekend, and you were ok, but we knew you just weren't feeling well. Daddy traced all over town looking for these herbs to put in your humidifier (he read about it in a book). Mommy found some baby vapo-rub to put on your chest. We did everything we could think of to make you feel more comfortable.

Monday morning, Mommy took a half day and brought you to the doctor. You have bronchiolitis. Its like bronchitis, but this one is an infection in the smaller tubes of your lungs instead of the larger tubes, or bronchioles. The doctor gave me a prescription for a nebulizer. It's like a breathing machine with medicine in it. We have to do that three times a day, and that should help you breathe better.

Daddy stayed home with you all day today, and he said sometimes you were seemed like you were hurting. He felt so helpless. I felt the same way when I got home from school...you poor little thing - coughing, eyes watering, heavy breathing. :( Daddy thought you were holding your ear and your fever hasn't really gone away, so you're going back to the doctor tomorrow morning before we leave for Louisiana for the holidays. I hope they tell us that you're doing better. You seemed better this evening. I hope you get better soon.


Kate Robinson said...

Hey Angelle! Sorry to hear that Ella is sick! We've had to do the nebulizer several times. Hang in there!!! Poor baby! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww, baby Ella P, I hope you feel better soon! I can't wait to see your cute little self over the break! Happy Thanksgiving to the Farrell's!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, above comment from Lacie!

Jenny said...

Angelle, I remember when Emma was 3 months old we had to use the nebulizer on her and it just about broke my heart to have her sick. I totally feel for you and Bart during this time. It's so hard when they are so little to watch them suffer. Ella is so beautiful! Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
Jenny Poche

Anonymous said...

Hope Ella is feeling better and she enjoyed her first Thanksgiving!!


Anonymous said...

Ella I hope you are feeling much better now. Looking at these photo's make's me want to catch a flight and come and give you a hug. Gelle this must have been tough for you and Bart. Ella's first nebulizer experience and I hope the last. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, can not wait to see some photo's. LOVE to you ALL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Amber