Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Ella, you have been so sick, so mommy has totally slacked on posting on your blog this last week. Wednesday morning we had to take you back to the doctor because you still had fever, and you were grabbing at your ear. Dr. Ramsey said that you had an ear infection, and she put you on antibiotics. She also said we shouldn't travel with you, much less take you to Thanksgiving in Louisiana if children were going to be there. She said you would give bronchiolitis to every child there. Mommy was a nervous wreck!! I wanted to go to Louisiana sooo bad and see all the family, but I wanted to do what was right for you too. You seemed like you were sooo miserable.

After much stress and a few tears, we decided to wait until Thursday morning to leave for Louisiana. We left at 4am, and we made it to Aunt Yvette's house with plenty of time to spare! I was so excited you got to experience your first Levet Thanksgiving!! And you were sooo good all day long. Too bad you couldn't try all the great food!!

Friday, mommy had lunch with your Aunt Jenny, Briggs and your Aunt Lacie. It was a spur of the moment thing, but I enjoyed it sooo much. I miss them soo much, and I never wanted it to end. We had a blast.

Saturday we went to Aunt Anna's house for the Farrell Thanksgiving. Aunt Anna and Uncle Travis made a great Thanksgiving dinner!! I can't get over what great cooks they are. It was so nice to see everyone!

Sunday we headed back to Texas with a special visitor! Mammy rode with us to Houston so she could spend a few days with you (instead of sending you straight back to daycare). It's going to be sooo much fun!!!

Love, Mama Gelle

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


My little baby had your first real sickness this week. Sure, you've had a stuffy nose now and then, and you had a little cough in the past - but starting this past Saturday, you started with a really bad cough. Then came the fever. Daddy and I took care of you all weekend, and you were ok, but we knew you just weren't feeling well. Daddy traced all over town looking for these herbs to put in your humidifier (he read about it in a book). Mommy found some baby vapo-rub to put on your chest. We did everything we could think of to make you feel more comfortable.

Monday morning, Mommy took a half day and brought you to the doctor. You have bronchiolitis. Its like bronchitis, but this one is an infection in the smaller tubes of your lungs instead of the larger tubes, or bronchioles. The doctor gave me a prescription for a nebulizer. It's like a breathing machine with medicine in it. We have to do that three times a day, and that should help you breathe better.

Daddy stayed home with you all day today, and he said sometimes you were seemed like you were hurting. He felt so helpless. I felt the same way when I got home from poor little thing - coughing, eyes watering, heavy breathing. :( Daddy thought you were holding your ear and your fever hasn't really gone away, so you're going back to the doctor tomorrow morning before we leave for Louisiana for the holidays. I hope they tell us that you're doing better. You seemed better this evening. I hope you get better soon.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Poor little Ella

Poor baby had a whallop of a cold this weekend. It all started Friday night. You started coughing a lot - and it just got worse. You had a hard time sleeping Friday night. We felt so bad for you...every time you would cough, your eyes would water and your whole body would convulse. When you ate, you would choke a lot. Scared the bejeebies out of mommy!!
Daddy and I ran your humidifer and got your some baby Vapo rub. I bathed you with baby Vapor bathsoap. You felt better Saturday, but Sunday night you were worse. You had a little fever, but just enough to aggrivate you. Bart put some special herb drops in your humidifier....hopefully you'll feel a lot better tomorrow. You're sleeping now finally...
We hate feeling so helpless.
I love you.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Other 3 month pics!

Hey baby girl,
Today was Texas Showdown day at your daycare. Kids were encouraged to wear Texas A&M or Texas Longhorn apparel since the big rivalry game is coming up. You wore your LSU daddy didn't raise no fool. The A&M and Longhorn fans running Kids R Kids seemed a little disappointed when you walked in this morning - but Mommy explained to them that you're a little tiger through and through. You're not a bull and you're surely not an Aggie!!
The other 3-month pics are're such a cutie patootie. I can't wait to spend all weekend with you.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Daycare! Daycare! We love daycare!!

You've been sleeping in your room every night, and you've been doing great up there. Mommy and daddy can watch your every move all night (in fact, yes, we literally put you on the TV and set the sleep timer so we can fall asleep watching you). Its great, and we all get some sleep at night.

I brought you to daycare this morning, and they're always so nice. I noticed a project they were working on, but I hadn't seen the finished product. Mommy had to stay late at school today for tutoring, so daddy picked you up from daycare - and he brought home your new project. Isn't it adorable?! I tell you - I was hesitant at first about bringing you to a chain daycare instead of someone's house - but they really work with you at Kids R Kids. And they're always doing projects, having activities going on, anything to make things exciting. I just love it!!

The week is halfway over. Mommy will be happy when the weekend is here so she can spend more time with you. And then next Wednesday we go to Louisiana!! Yay!!

I love you, sweet pea. Love, Mommy

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So faaaaaar away.....

Tonight is your first night to sleep in your room all by yourself. I have only gone upstairs and checked on you about ten times already. That's ok. I need the exercise. We have the baby monitor hooked up, and daddy has the video camera hooked up so we can just turn the tv on and see how you are doing any time we want. I know you'll be just fine, but I feel like your so far away. I loved having you in the living room where I could pass by whenever I wanted and see your little angelic face. But I know you can't stay in the den forever, and you probably like it in your own room where its nice and warm and quiet.
Still and all, I'll have no problem going upstairs in the middle of the night just in case you need me.
Love, Mama Gelle

Three-month photos...

Ok, so Ella had a long weekend of photo shoots. What mommy neglected to mention yesterday was that Saturday was just photo shoot #1. Sunday was photo shoot #2!! Yes, I am crazy and scheduled two different portrait studios for our 3 month pics. I was trying to decide which place was better - JCP or Kiddie Kandids at Babies R Us. The advertisement for JCP was just so darn cute with these Santa hands (long story), but I heard a lot of great things about the Babies R Us in Katy. So, since neither one had a sitting fee, I thought we would try them both out.

Yesterday was JCP. It didn't start off so great. The studio was REALLY hot!! They had fans going on in there, but it didn't help a whole lot. Plus, there were people waiting to take pictures in the little waiting area - our appointment was at 2pm, and I don't think we sat down to take pics till 2:45. Plus the girl at the front desk was veeery unorganized. But once we got in there, the photographer was really great. Plus you were in a good mood. She got a lot of good shots, which made it hard for mommy and daddy to decide. Which led us to spend a lot of money, but thats ok because you're worth it.

So today, against daddy's wishes, we went to Babies R Us anyway - just to see how they were. You started crying about 30 minutes before we left - crying bloody murder!! We're not sure why...I think it was because daddy went to pic you up and his cold hand hit your bare back. I think it shocked you, but nonetheless, you were bawling. I'm already thinking this is not going to be good (which is good because we spent too much as it is, right?!) So, we get to Babies R Us, and there's no wait....the appointment before us had just finished, and they were just waiting on their proofs. Once you were ready, the photographer had the back set up so cute...all these really great backrounds and props. Granted you weren't in the BEST of moods, but she still managed to get some smiles out of you. And she had you propped up against anything that would hold still. It was great! We also had to narrow it down to 6, which made the decision at the end much easier!! When I saw the Christmas picture, I was already kicking myself for ordering the other Christmas cards already. Apparently, daddy was thinking the same thing because he wanted to order some "extra" Christmas cards just in case we needed them. He's so easy! The best thing about this place is that they have your pics ready in 5 minutes!! I already have them....AND the Christmas cards!! And you can view your proofs when you get home right away. I thought that was so cool. We definitely will use the Babies R Us place for the 6 month visit. They were so friendly, easy and the pics were my favorite!

All in all, you did great for all mommy put you through this weekend, and we got some really adorable 3-month pictures of you. I can share the milestone pics today, but I won't post the Christmas photos since they'll be in the Christmas cards.

Love, Mama Gelle

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Supermodel is Pooped!!

Well, I must say - you did GREAT for your first photoshoot!

I was so nervous all morning long. I don't know why. I knew you were going to do just fine, but I just wanted your first pictures to be perfect. And they were!! You took some really cute pictures for our Christmas cards, and you took some precious 3-month pics in a beautiful little pink dress. And you were such a trooper - laughing and cooing. The photographer even commented on how quick and easy it was since you were so cooperative. Yay!!

Afterwards, Daddy and I got to look at all the proofs right then and there, and they all came out soo adorable!! It was a tough decision....we just wanted to order them all (and I think we just about did - ha!) But we got them all ordered, and Mommy's so excited she got her Christmas cards ordered. Anyway, we had a really fun time, and you were pooped out after it was all over.
Love, Mama Gelle

Friday, November 14, 2008


Well, it's been a week since I've posted, but we have been busy!! Monday, I got sick! I don't know if you got me sick or I got you sick, but I stayed home from school Tuesday. I slept the entire day! Since then, mommy's been trying to stay afloat at school, and you've just been busy looking cute! You've just been gooing and gahing and smiling up a storm. Daddy and I have been loving it.

This Friday was your daycare's 50th anniversary, so they have a 50's sockhop dress-up day at Kids R Kids. Mommy can NOT resist a dress-up day, so she had you dressed to the nines. Do you like your poodle "pants"? I ironed on that puppy and sewed that leash so it would look like a poodle skirt. And don't ya just love your new black mary janes?

This weekend we're taking your 3 month portraits. I can't wait to see how they come out!!

Love, Mommy

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Natchitoches Weekend!!

We had such a great weekend in Natchitoches! Friday night we stayed at a Best Western, and it was your first time in a hotel. Exciting stuff!! Ha ha. I got a snapshot with the lady at the front desk since there weren't really any Best Western signs for us to stand in front of.

After we left there, we went ride by Northwestern State University, Mommy's old stomping grounds. It's still just as beautiful as ever!! And you know I just HAD to get a picture of you in front of the sign. I love that place!!

We love NSU!!

Isn't the campus just beautiful?

I made daddy ride through the downtown area, and it was just as quaint as I always remember it being. I love that area so much. And you know what? When we passed by the Cane River, there was a rowing race going on. In fact, I think it was the same rowing marathon Mommy was in 13 years ago! How cool is that?

So, then we headed to Veronica's sister's house. It was sooooo great to see them. We hadn't seen them since before you were born, so they all got to meet you. They just loved you so much. And then Breanna got to meet you! She was a little shy at first, but she warmed up to you really quickly. She talked talked talked to you and about you and kept putting your socks back on. She was so sweet to you, and we all agreed yall are gonna be great friends one day.

Breanna wasn't very sure about you at first.

Uncle Tyler and Aunt Veronica thought you were so precious!

Once Breanna warmed up to you, she loved you!!

Breanna loved dancing to "Apple Bottom Jeans."

Bart being silly with Breanna.

What a cutie pie! She's getting so big!

Aunt Veronica read you a book.

Saturday night we barbecued steaks and sat out by the outdoor fireplace. The weather all weekend was sooooo perfect. Nice and cool.

Today, we drove back home. Again, it was a gorgeous day, and all the leaves are changing in northern Louisiana and Texas. It was beautiful. We stopped in at Woodville on our way home and visited with Taylor and the family. We always have such a nice time talking with Crystal and Brian. We got to see your cousin Taylor's current home and their soon-to-be home. It was nice, and they really do live in the country! Ha ha.

Nobody felt like cooking tonight, so we made one last stop at Texas Roadhouse (of course!) As luck would have it, Andy the Armadillo was there, and we got a snapshot of you with him!

It was a great weekend - a nice little getaway.
Love, Mama Gelle

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Go Eagles!!!

Tonight we went to Ella's first football game ever!!

Daddy, you and I drove 3 and a half hours to San Augustine, Tx to see your cousin Taylor play football for the Woodville Eagles against the San Augustine Wolves. It was sooo cold!! You were all bundled up in an LSU flannel suit and a nice warm hat that covered your ears (thanks to your Nanny!). And even though the Eagles lost, you had so much fun at the game!! Your Aunt Crystal (Taylor's mom) fed you a bottle while she cheered the team on, and you caught a little plastic football to keep forever. And best of all, you finally got to meet your cousin Taylor. He was soooo happy to see you after the game, and he got to hold you (even though he was pretty smelly!!) We had such a great time.

After the game, Daddy drove us to Natchitoches, La, since it was only an hour and half away. We're staying in a hotel tonight, and tomorrow you're going to meet your Aunt Veronica, Uncle Tyler, and Breanna! We can't wait to see them again. Meanwhile, I'll have to show you Mommy's old stomping grounds at Northwestern! Go Demons!

Love, Mama Gelle

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!!

My baby Ella,
We all know that the day God blessed us with your beautiful presence history was made. But today, another type of history is also being made. Today is Election Day for the President of the United States. One of the candidates is Barrack Obama and the other is John McCain. The reason its so historical is because if Obama wins, he will be the first African American president and if John McCain wins, his running mate Sarah Palin will be the first woman to be Vice President! Either way, its a very big day, and Americans all across the country are at the edge of their seat tonight. Mommy and Daddy voted early, and tonight, we're all watching the votes come in. Sooo nervous!!

You on the other hand are so cool and collected. How are you not nervous!?!? Ha ha. I guess you're too young to care. Just know that one day when you are older and you read this blog, you will care what happens to the future of our country, and you will be as nervous as I am today. And also know that you were 2 months, 3 weeks and 1 day when history was made with the 2008 Presidential Election!

Love, Mama Gelle