It was a super lazy day today, but the girls were having a grand ole time in their playroom (aka my LIVING ROOM) playing it up. Amelia wore her new duds...doesn't she look like a sweetie?
Apparently she is doing some major teething because she has been majorly whiny, which is very unlike her. And it's literally like a moan...poor heart. She currently has two teeth out in the open at the bottom. And two at the top have cut skin but they are on the left and right of her two front teeth. It's so weird! If they come down first, she'll have fangs! Nonetheless, she hurts! But she's a trooper...keeps on trucking around town with us and keeping on!
A little later, Ella was being so sweet to her sister, she read her a book. Ella was all about the books today for some reason. Must be that new ABC book I got her the other day, but she has been "reading" up a storm. Here's a video of her "reading"...I catch a few words here and there: elephant, airplane, house....she's so funny. (p.s. if you're reading this via Facebook, you may need to go to my actual blog to see the video, which is at
Later in the evening, Ella found an empty bottle and proceeded to feed Amelia (aka torture her) with the empty bottle.
They were so sweet today. At one point, Ella brought all her Little People toys to Amelia, and surrounded her in barn animals and Sesame Street characters. It was so nice to see her wanting to make her sister happy. I KNOW Ella can't wait till Amelia can actually play.
Amelia has been really sleepy lately. She JUST learned a few days ago to pull herself up from a lying down position to sitting. And she rocks back and forth, I know it's any day before she'll be crawling. Meanwhile, here she is, just chilling. She is totally posing.