Sunday, September 27, 2009

Uneventful Weekend

It was a very uneventful weekend in the Farrell household this weekend (which is not necessarily a bad thing). Bart went to Taylor's game Friday night while Ella and I relaxed at home. I told Taylor that the next game I go to I had better be wearing a jacket!! It was wayyy too hot last game, and mama don't like to sweaaaat! Unfortunately, they didn't win, but Bart said Taylor played well. Poor thing was playing after just getting over sore throat!

Saturday and Sunday we just kinda hung around the house all day. We were going to go to the pumpkin patch, but that great "cool front" we had last week went away, and it was 95 degrees. Did I mention mama don't like to sweaaat!!? So, we watched the Tigers on Saturday and just had a nice looong walk in Wal-Mart (are we old or what!?). Geaux tigers! Sunday afternoon, Bart took Zoe and Ella to the dogpark, and he said they both had a blast. Ella enjoyed seeing all the dogs run around (and apparently two tried to jump on top of her), and Zoe...well, did what she always does at the dogpark....follows you under your heels. Whimp dog!

I got a great video of Ella eating rice Saturday night. She looooves rice, just like her mom and dad. She's not biased....white rice, mexican rice, shrimp fried rice. You name it, she eats it. And when she eats it, she eats it with such passion and's hilarious to witness, as Mammy can tell you. This is just a snippit of what she looks like when she devours rice (notice she even bypasses veggies to just eat the rice!) When she's done, we have to shake her off in the sink.

Baby Amelia has been doing tumblesets in my belly. I swear, that baby moves more than Ella ever thought about moving. She kicks when she hears Ella's voice. She tumbles when I sit up straight. And her favorite is jabbing me in the ribs when I am lying on my side in bed, trying to get comfortable. She is a mover and a shaker, for sure.

Well, good night all!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mammy's wonderful visit!

Mammy just left this morning, and already we are missing her!

It was such a great visit, even though it was way too short. She came in Sunday afternoon, and of course, we hit up Los Cucos first and foremost!

Monday, we had two doctor's appointments - one for an ultrasound and one for the checkup, so a lot of our time was spent in the doctor's waiting room, but thank God Mammy was there because Ella was quite rambunxious. But Mammy got to see Amelia, so that was good! In between all that fun, I picked up my bridesmaid dress for Lacie's wedding, and we spent a lot of time at the mall walking around, which I hadn't done in a while! Then we hit the outlet mall so Mammy could get her Skechers Shape Up shoes...they are so stylish, and I tried them on. So walking on air! That night, I cooked a chicken florentine, which didn't come out too bad! Each night she was here, we went to Blockbuster and rented a four-episode DVD of Desperate Housewives because it was my mission to have my mother completely updated before the season premiere this Sunday!

Tuesday, we went to Jo Ann's Fabric to pick up some cute fabric pieces to make a dress for Ella. After lunch, we came home and Mom gave me step-by-step instruction on how to make an a-line dress for Ella, and I watched her every move. It took us about four hours for her to teach me the basics and make an entire dress, and it came out so precious! Each night Mammy gave Ella her bath, which both of them LOVED!!

Wednesday we went to Wal-Mart and Mom helped me pick out a new sewing machine! My old one was pretty much spent, and I wanted to start sewing on a machine that I knew was working in tip top shape. We went to a Wal-Mart that still sells fabric, and we found some more GREAT fabric, but I am going to wait before I buy more. After lunch, we came home and Mom watched TWELVE episodes of DH while I sewed an entire dress by myself, pausing the show from time to time so I could ask her a question. I made her do....I think her eyes were about to cross! But it was so much fun watching together and laughing! I finished another whole Halloween dress that came out ADORABLE! Mom was so proud, and I definitely think I have the sewing bug now because I can't wait to try to make more!

This is the one we made together....

And this is the one I made by myself

That night, Mom watched Ella while Bart and I went out on a was so nice to go to Outback and TALK like old times. We had such a nice time, and Mammy was LOVING feeding, bathing, and putting Ella to sleep. When we got back, Mom and I finished watching DH till 3am! Ha ha...amazingly, I was not tired, and we watched an ENTIRE season of DH in her visit. So funny. I am obsessed, but I am so excited to know that Sunday we'll both be watching the new season, and then we can discuss it after together!! (P.S. Mike BETTER be marrying Susan!!)

This morning, Mammy got to get Ella out of her crib, and we had breakfast before she had to leave. Ella waved by to her as she went to her car...they really bonded on this trip!!

We got sooo much done, and we enjoyed her visit sooo much, but we didn't take many pictures. Oh we all need a nap!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mammy's Visit

Mammy is visiting this week, and we are having so much fun! Monday we shopped all day and dealt with doctor visits. And today, she gave me a sewing lesson! We went this morning to buy fabric, and this afternoon we sewed a dress together for Ella as my "lesson." Tomorrow, I am going to try one all by myself....I'm pretty sure after that, I am going to be a sewing maniac because it was soo easy! We are having a blast...

We're also on a mission to get her to watch an entire season of Desperate Housewives because the new season starts Sunday (so she's GOT to be caught up!!) We have a looong way to go.
Fun times!! Time is flying by too fast!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

30 week Ultrasound for Baby Amelia

Baby Amelia,

Today was Mommy's 30 week ultrasound. Daddy and I got to see you yawn, suck, and wave your hands around. Mammy and Ella were there too, but Ella was getting a little rowdy, so Mammy had to leave halfway through. But we got to see some really great images of you. Here's one of your face looking straight at the camera:

This one is of you telling us that you're number one!

And this is a profile of your face. Such a cutie patootie.
Dr. Montgomery said that everything looks healthy with you and with Mommy. You're a whopping 3 plus lbs, in the 75th percentile. So, you're larger than average, but not that huge. The ultrasound tech said you're really wiggly and that you have long legs that you kick around a lot (and I can definitely agree with that!) We can't wait to see you!! The ultrasound again showed that my due date is a week early, which would put your arrival the week of Thanksgiving. Doc said that's just based on measurements though, so he's sticking with Dec 3rd.
Love, Mommy

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ella is sharing...

Well, at least she's sharing, right?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Daddy's surprise from Ella

This morning, Ella gave Daddy a big surprise! When he said goodbye, she WAVED to him. Sometimes she just opens and closes her hand, but this time she put her hand up and waved it from side to side. It was sooo cute.

At lunch, I got her to do it again. Now she's a professional.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ella and Elmo sitting in a tree

Ella and Elmo sitting in a tree

K - I - S - S - I - N - G!!

Yes, the secret is out!

Ok, so it isn't much of a secret at all.
We haven't been vocal about it but we haven't hidden it either.
We're 99% sure that the new baby's name is going to be Amelia. We have no idea about a middle name yet, and we probably won't know until the big day.
But unless some other name just magically makes me change my mind, we're pretty positive on Amelia. In fact, when Ella says her prayers at night, she prays for "Amelia," and when Bart talks to the baby through my belly button (yes, he still does that), he calls her Amelia.

It's sooo weird this time since the first time we didn't even know it was a boy or girl, and this time we even have a name for you...but I kinda like having a name to go with a "kick." Ha!

Baby Farrell #2 at 21 weeks

This is a delayed post for Baby Farrell was from our 21 week ultrasound. Rather than backlog it and no one see it, I'm just reposting it late.

July 24, 2009

Bart, Ella and I went to the doctor this morning, and I thought since it was a Friday appointment and they close at noon, a 10:45am appointment would be a sure bet on getting us in and out of there quickly. No such luck! And Ella was VERY energetic and in rare form! Phew! Bart and I took turns walking her up and down the hallway and strolling her around.
Finally at 12:30 (are you kidding me!??!) we saw Dr. Montgomery. He was happy to see how beautiful little Ella was (considering the last time he saw her he was pulling her from my belly). The ultrasound was with his ancient equipment, so it was a little fuzzy, but he is 99.9% sure it's another girl! Yay! It's already been confirmed from our June 1st ultrasound, but he just wanted to doublecheck. It was hard for him to see at first because she was bouncing all over my belly, but finally she calmed down enough for us to see. He said everything looks normal and healthy, and according to the measurements, the due date is more like November 26th, but since it's within two weeks of the original due date, we're keeping the December 3rd due date.

Ella got to see her baby sister on the screen, but she didn't seem all that interested. Hee hee. She will be one day when they are best of friends!!

I can't wait to meet you, my little sweet pea.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome to the new Farrell Family site!

Due to popular demand, I have decided to keep the same blog address and just change the format. You'll see more changes in the coming weeks, but I just wanted to let you know to bookmark this site because the Farrell blog is here to stay!!

I'll still be writing some posts to Ella, but I'll also be writing posts to the new baby and general posts about Bart and I and the family. So, keep reading and thanks checking in, and here's to many new, funny stories to come!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ear Infection #3

Mommy brought you to the doctor when we got back to Louisiana, and apparently your ear infection came back in one ear. That and a cold on top of it, so you're back on antibiotics. And we had to pull out the old nebulizer for you to was much easier to do when you could shake your head no, swat my hand out of the way, or just plain walk away. It's a challenge, but you're definitely feeling better this weekend. Poor baby...who knew we'd get so many trips to the doctor in one summer!!?
Yesterday was your first time at Mommy's MOPS meeting. MOPS is Mothers of Preschoolers, and it's an organization to help stay-at-home moms connect with other moms. It's at The Met church, and we go every other Friday. Mommy's been to one meeting already, but you couldn't come because you had fever. This was your first time in their daycare, and you absolutely loved it!! They said you were he happiest baby in the room! Yay! That makes for a much happier meeting for mommy! I love my MOPS meetings, and apparently now, you do too!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Labor Day Weekend in Louisiana

Hey baby girl,

We enjoyed such a long and eventful Labor Day weekend in Louisiana. It was one activity after the next, but boy, did we have fun!!

Friday night, on our way out, your daddy, you and I went to see your cousin Taylor play football for the Woodville Eagles. You were decked out in your "I heart Taylor" shirt that I made you, and you even had a little black cheerleading skirt. You must've been good luck because the Eagles won! And your cousin Taylor was a star on that football field - it was so exciting to watch! You were just a little angel the whole game...all the way up to the end when Taylor wanted to see his cutest little cheerleader. Apparently you thought he was a little too stinky. Hee hee.

We drove late that night all the way to Mammy and Paw Paw's, but they were still in Washington, so we had the whole house to ourselves. Your cousin Christina must've recently brought some of her toys over, so you were in heaven with all the new things to play with.

Saturday morning, Mommy had to go to Aunt Jenny's house to get ready for your Aunt Lacie's bridal shower. So you spent the day with your daddy. First, he took you to your friend Katelyn's birthday party (that's Mossy's little girl) in Paulina. Daddy said you had a blast, and you even got to swim with the birthday girl. Then you and daddy spent the rest of the day at Mammy and Paw Paw's playing. When Mommy got back that night, we all sat around and watched the LSU game. It didn't start till 9:30pm, and we looked on tv to see if we could see Mammy and Paw Paw at the game. It didn't take long for Mommy and you to pass out, though so we'll never know if they were on tv or not!!

Sunday was a really busy day! That morning we went to church at St. Peter's, and afterwards, it was Ashton (Caroline's little boy)'s baptism. We stayed for the baptism, even though you were a little hyper. Aunt Shelly came and calmed you down (and apparently threatened you that Jesus would set you on fire if you weren't good....gotta love that Aunt Shelly!) But hey, whatever works!

Then we drove to Denham Springs for your other friend Andie's birthday party (Christina's little girl). It was a great party, and mommy and daddy were fascinated by the delicious cake!! You were fascinated by the unwrapping of the presents. And after all the presents were unwrapped and 80 billion toys lay on the floor, you found the one book and were reading it like no one else was in the room. Yall really had so much fun, and your Aunt Christina threw a great first birthday party.

Then we left there and went see your Aunt Anna, Aunt Mary, Uncle Jim, and Paw Paw Tom. We all headed over to Anna's for dinner, and she cooked us a great roast, beans and rice. They were all excited to see you, and you were hamming it up, as always. You kept playing with your favorite giant white german shepherd, Maddy - you were running circles around her. I don't know who was more tired when we left.

Monday, you got to spend the whole day with Mammy and Paw Paw since they came back from Washington Sunday night. Mammy was sooo excited to finally be able to kiss your cheeks and not having to worry about getting you sick. Nanny and her girls and Aunt Shelly and her girls also came over, and we all had a blast. Nanny gave you another haircut. Paw Paw took you to visit Maw Maw Myrtle, and you were just loving up all over him. Mammy was jealous. Hee hee. We had such a nice day.

We ended up spending the night and another day in Garyville, so Tuesday Mammy had you all to yourself. We couldn't help just sitting and watching you play - you are soo funny and entertaining. You kept turning on Paw Paw's sound system and looking to see if we would fuss you, and every time we did, you would laugh. Lovely!

Although we both caught a cold SOMEWHERE in all that activity, it was well worth it because it was a great, long Labor Day weekend in Louisiana!

Love, Mommy