Ok, here's the update I promised!

That afternoon, we went to Aunt Anna's house, and we got to visit with lots of family there too! Uncle Travis barbecued as well, and it was yummy! By the time we got in the car to come home, we were all POOPED!
This is the story of our family.
Ok, here's the update I promised!
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:59 AM 2 comments
Ella Ella Ella....I have a big update coming of your wonderful weekend in Louisiana, but for now - here's a video of you and Zoe. Zoe just tickles you pink right now.
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:05 PM 2 comments
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:38 PM 1 comments
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:16 AM 1 comments
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:47 PM 2 comments
I was reading my Parents magazine, and there was a poll for favorite baby milestones. Most people said that the baby's first smile was their favorite, and then the laugh was second. Last place was baby's first wave. I would have to say my favorite milestone so far has been and probably will always be your laugh. Your giggle is just about the most wonderful sound God has made. Your laugh is like a burst of jubilation (that's a vocabulary word this week with my 8th graders), and when I hear your giggle, one just can't help but laugh too. It's contagious. It's sweet. It's sooooo adorable.
Ok, ok...so I admit, my second favorite milestone is definitely the smile. Your smile has a smiliar effect. But my favorite part about that is actually MAKING you smile. You can be all serious, and then when I catch your attention, you look at me with those big, serious eyes. And all of sudden, your whole face transforms, and that grin spreads across your perfect little face. It's like utter magic, and it makes me feel sooo good.
Who knew such simple little things could touch the heart of a parent so easily?
Posted by Farrell Family at 6:21 PM 3 comments
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:02 PM 2 comments
Hello my little cowgirl,
What an exciting weekend you had!!
Friday night, Mommy and Daddy did something they had not done in a loooong time. Get a full night's sleep? Ha ha. No! (and just kidding, we always get a full night's sleep with YOU because you looove to sleep!) No, we went see a band in concert. Mommy bought daddy tickets in December for his birthday to see his favorite band Big Head Todd at the House of Blues in Houston. It's a brand new House of Blues, and I think we figured out that we had not seen a band since we had been married (which being the music lovers that we are, we should be ashamed!)
Anyway, YOU went to your next-door neighbor Auntie Necoy, Auntie Tina and Auntie Tiffany's house. Mommy and daddy had a blast at the concert, and you had a blast keeping those ladies company!! On top of that, you slept all night without coughing that night! Your getting better! Yay!
Posted by Farrell Family at 5:30 PM 4 comments
Well, Ella - you've been keeping mommy and daddy up for the past few nights with your coughing and snotty nose. I know babies get colds, but you're going on three weeks now, so I brought you to see Dr. Nguyen this afternoon. She said you have an ear infection in BOTH EARS!! You'd never know it by your demeanor. You're just as happy and playful as can be. She said they are not reeeally bad, but on a scale from 1-4, its a 2.5. That's scary enough for me!!
So, she has you on Amoxycillin (antibiotic) for a few days. Hopefully, as it clears up your ears, it will also clear up your nose and throat. Poor baby. Daddy is at the store as we speak to get an electric snot sucker. Ha ha. Apparently they work, and you're poor nose is SOO tired of the manual nose sucker. We shall see if it works!!!
Love, Mommy
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:27 PM 3 comments
Sorry...I have so many videos, and I just needed to share. This one cracks me up. It starts out slow, but once you spot daddy video taping you, you hold on for the ride. You looove your jumper! And here's another pic from the weekend taken from my blackberry. You are striking a pose on the table at Husky's. You're so hip! Ha ha!
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:18 PM 3 comments
Here's some interesting info I just got from a baby website.
Ella's half birthday is February 11 (which is also our anniversary and her Aunt Lacie's birthday!)
Her astrological sign is Leo (just like her Aunt Mary).
Her flower is Gladiola or Poppy (Orange, Red and Light Green)
(This is what gladiolas look like - I had to google it!) She will start kindergarten in 2013, be old enough to drive a car in 2024, finish high school in 2026, and will graduate from college with the class of 2030, give or take a year.
Can you imagine?
This time last year I was 17 Weeks Pregnant!
Here's a little video of our little superstar. She looves to sing!!
Posted by Farrell Family at 9:50 PM 3 comments
Not a whole lot to report.
Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a nice weekend with you! We did a lot of shopping, and as always, you were a complete angel.
You just started holding your own bottle...well, you've been doing that for quite a while now, but now you're a pro! When I went to pick you up today, you were "hanging with the girls" at daycare - yall were all sitting upright in a circle on the play mat. Too cute!
Other than that, there's nothing new. You have an endless snotty nose that's making you cough at night. Maybe you inherited mommy and daddy's allergies.
Here are a few pics from the past couple of days - you're still majorly teething - I'm waiting for that tooth any day now. You're getting so big so fast. STOP GROWING ALREADY!
Posted by Farrell Family at 8:55 PM 2 comments