Monday, May 5, 2008

Feeling Icky

I hope you're not feeling as poopy as I am, little baby.
Somehow this weekend in all that shopping and excitement, I caught a cold! I have stuffed up nose, sinus head, and an icky cough. I am trying my best to get better so we can get back in your nursery and keep working, but for now, all I do is sleep. Daddy has been taking care of me. I went to school yesterday and today because I really can't afford to miss, but it's not that bad since I don't have class anymore. Hopefully we'll shake this cold in a few days, and I'll be back to my normal self. Mammy reminded me last night that this is my second (or maybe even third!) cold since I've been pregnant! You'd think with all the prenatal vitamins I take, I could fight off anything!! Oh well, I'm sure it will gone soon enough.
Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better real soon! Take care.

Love, Chelle

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better real soon! Take care.

Love, Chelle

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you need A LOT more pampering than you are getting. Three colds?! I think your sisters and brother, mother and father should come to Houston and just wait on you hand and foot! Pamper is the key word!!
The nursery looks great, I KNOW you will be buying some cute stuff!And please, do not name that baby Ariana! ( I voted for Joanna)
Love, Linda