Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Belly Pains

This is the last week of work for Mommy. She is soooo excited, but it's also the first week that I haven't been feeling as great as usual. It's not the heat (I don't care what people say - Texas is not as hot as Louisiana!)
I think its just you growing!!
As you get bigger and bigger, my stomach gets smaller and smaller. I am to the point where I feel like I have gastric bypass surgery - my head is telling me I am hungry, but my squished up stomach is saying NOOO!! I've been eating small meals all day, but even they are getting smaller and smaller. And at night these past few nights, I feel like you are about to burst right out of my belly. I think I can actually FEEL my skin stretching. Yuck! My stomach is super hard and just growing a little more every day. I guess this is the part Mammy warned me about, how my tummy is going to double in size. I think it's starting to happen at a rapid pace. During the day, I am ok - at night it bother's me a bit more because I can't get comfortable unless I am laying down. I guess I'll be napping a lot this summer...
As I am typing this, Daddy is lying comfortably on his back, snoring next to me. Men have it so easy!
Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

Love the picture of you & Bart, sending ya'll so much love from downunder. Good to hear baby Farrell is doing well though not so good to hear this has been an uncomfortable week for you. Here for you always xo Love Amber xo

Anonymous said...

Break out the cocca butter! Lube your belly up! I remember how that felt, very uncomfortable. You look beautiful as ever. Your into the home stretch, no pun intended, and hopefully this will go fast. Have any of your sisters decided to join you with another baby???
Love Linda

Anonymous said...

I hate to hear that you are not feeling that well anymore. But at least you have had a wonderful pregnancy so far to be thankful for. You are have it so easy!

Anonymous said...

Ooops...that last one was from me, Chelle. Sorry!