Saturday, May 31, 2008

Girls Night Out

I had a wonderful Girls Night Out with my girlfriends Friday night. Mommy met a bunch of friends at Cheesecake Bistro, and then some of us ladies left there to see the premiere of the movie "Sex and the City." It was a GREAT movie!! Hormones were flying with tear-jerking moments and lots of laughs. Afterwards, Aunt Tricia, Aunt Jenny and I had a slumber party at Aunt Lacie and Aunt Lani's apartment. Mommy stayed up later than she had in a long time, but it was sooo much fun catching up with all her friends. It was just like old times. I hope you have friends as great as mine are one day.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Belly Pains

This is the last week of work for Mommy. She is soooo excited, but it's also the first week that I haven't been feeling as great as usual. It's not the heat (I don't care what people say - Texas is not as hot as Louisiana!)
I think its just you growing!!
As you get bigger and bigger, my stomach gets smaller and smaller. I am to the point where I feel like I have gastric bypass surgery - my head is telling me I am hungry, but my squished up stomach is saying NOOO!! I've been eating small meals all day, but even they are getting smaller and smaller. And at night these past few nights, I feel like you are about to burst right out of my belly. I think I can actually FEEL my skin stretching. Yuck! My stomach is super hard and just growing a little more every day. I guess this is the part Mammy warned me about, how my tummy is going to double in size. I think it's starting to happen at a rapid pace. During the day, I am ok - at night it bother's me a bit more because I can't get comfortable unless I am laying down. I guess I'll be napping a lot this summer...
As I am typing this, Daddy is lying comfortably on his back, snoring next to me. Men have it so easy!
Love, Mom

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Daddy and I drove to Louisiana on Friday to make it to Aunt Yvette Miller's wedding. Mommy was supposed to sing with Aunt Kelly, but Houston traffic had other plans. We left Houston at 12:30pm and didn't get to Garyville until 8:30pm! Yes, with Memorial Weekend traffic, it took Daddy and I EIGHT HOURS to get home, but mommy still made it with just one potty stop! Wow! Despite the major Louisiana HEAT, we had a great weekend. I got to see all your cousins play softball at the ballpark Saturday morning.

After that was your Aunt Jenny and Uncle Brock's baby shower for your soon-to-be buddy Briggs!! It was so much fun! Aunt Jenny and I bumped bellies when we first saw each other. She definitely is growing as much as mommy is. And she got lots of really great gifts for little Briggs. Plus mommy got to see all her friends! It was great seeing everyone.

Sunday, we went to church at St. Peter's, visited Maw Maw Myrtle and had lunch with Mammy and Paw Paw. Then we headed back to Houston, which was thankfully traffic-free!!

Mommy still feels great - was a little hot this past weekend, but that's going to happen as the summer approaches. I hit 29 weeks this past Friday - I can't believe time is flying by so fast!

Love, Mom

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Doctor Update

Well, today I had a quick visit to the doctor's office. Dr. Montgomery was doing an emergency surgery, so I saw his wife today, who is an obgyn nurse. She was so much fun. We listened to your heartbeat, and she said whatever I am doing, keep doing it because everything looks great. She showed me how to feel my belly for your head, back and bum - it was sooo neat. You're upside down, "in position" as the nurse put it. I just about DIED when she said "in position." All I keep thinking was NOOOO, we're not ready yet!! But she said relax - it just means you're growing facing the right way. Phew!

She also told me that with the humidity in Texas, I should plan on staying indoors for most of the summer because if I don't, I'll swell like a toad no matter how I try to prevent it. I like this gal. Sounds good to me!

That's about it. I start going for my appts every two weeks now, and I have the supah ultrasound mid June. OH, and she said the doctor may think he knows what the baby is, but he didn't write it down in my file. She said if he didn't write it down, he's not absolutely sure. I'm glad no one really knows what you are yet. All the more surprise for us!!

Love, Mom

Update coming later today

Sorry for the lack of posts, but honestly, nothing new has really been going on. My belly's big. Big whoop! I do have a doctor's appointment today at 4pm, so I should have an update later today. I am so excited to go home this weekend for Jenny's shower and see all my friends and family. I think it's been like 4 or 5 weeks since I was last home. Waaay too long!
Love, Mom

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Baby Faire Expo!

Hey baby! We had such an exciting day!
Daddy and I went to the Babies R Us "Baby Faire" Expo at the Reliant Center. It was really fun! We got to see all kinds of booths with baby gizmos and gagdets, try out a lot of things we registered for, and get lots of free samples! Daddy even tried formula (ok, so it was just powdered milk, but his face was priceless). After 100 booths and a LOT of walking, the only thing we really bought was a babygoga - these AWESOME portable heating devices for warming bottles on the go (and it has other fabulous uses - like Mommy used it as a heating pad for her back when she got home - ahhhhh!!) All in all, it was great fun.
What better way to wrap up a great day of baby fun?? You guessed it (no, actually, you probably didn't) - your daddy and I went to the Texas Guns and Ammo Show, which was right next door at the Reliant Center. Isn't that convenient? So, there was daddy in his own personal toy store - and there's mommy, perusing guns and knives with her giant protruding belly. It was funny, but I hung in there since daddy so willingly hit every corner of the baby expo with me.
We wrapped up the day with a trip to Lupe Tortilla, a mexican restaurant we have been dying to try. You danced all around when I was eating the spicy salsa - I know you're gonna come out a little Juan or Maria! All in all, it was one great day, and we are pooped!

Love, Mom

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our Nursery Progress

Daddy and I have been busy little bees!

Every spare minute we have, we've been painting and working to make your little room just perfect! Daddy rebuilt a shelf to hold your baby comforter, and now he's working on sanding the glider Maw Maw and Grandpa gave us to restain it. Mommy's been painting shelves and other wood stuff, and she sewed all the stars hanging in your room. We are so proud of our progress so far, but there's still some more work to be done! Just want to get it done early while we still have the energy!
Other than that, my belly continues to get bigger. You're kicking harder and harder every day, and your strongest kicks seem to come at night while I'm about to go to sleep. Daddy can usually talk to you (he insists on using my belly button as the "phone") and calm you down. School's almost over, and soon I'll have all day long to think about when you'll be here!
Love, Mom

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend!

Well, we had a lovely Mother's Day Weekend, although I was sad not to spend it with my own mom (it was the first Mother's Day in 30 years I did not spend it with my mom!!)

Saturday we went to the Childbirth Class at Cy-Fair Hospital. It was 8:30-3:30, and we learned everything we ever wanted to know about the physical anatomy of a pregnant woman. Wow. We saw a lot of graphic videos of a lot of women having contractions, and they didn't look like they were having a very good time. Kinda scary, but it did make me feel a whole lot better about the whole birth part - I think I could handle it, whichever way I needed to deliver. I think it also gave daddy a whole new outlook on being the "coach" for mommy. We also had a tour of the hospital where you'll be born, and it seems like a great place. It's very busy - 250 babies are born there a MONTH!!

After that, we went to Target to register for a few more baby items. It was fun to register with daddy - he was in charge of scanning everything with the gun, which he enjoyed way too much.

Then this morning for Mother's Day, daddy fixed me breakfast in bed. It was so nice! Then we just kinda took it easy today - we mainly worked in your room. I finished making all the stars, and we hung them up over your bed. Then daddy put all the glow in the dark stars on your ceiling. You're gonna love it! And tonight daddy took me to dinner - so it was a great mother's day for a mother-to-be!!

Love, Mom

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Crafty Business

Nothing major to report. Bart and I went shopping today after school. I bought some fabric swatches to match the baby comforter - I'm gonna make some stars to dangle from the ceiling. And we bought some other star stuff at Hobby Lobby - really cute ideas! I'm feeling crafty, so I mind as well take advantage of it since I know I'll never have spare time like this again!

Saturday is our Child Prep class at Cy-Fair Hospital. They're going to teach us infant CPR, give us info about breastfeeding, basic child care, and a tour of the hospital. Should be a fun day, and hopefully we'll learn a little about how to take care of you!!!
I mean, we don't know nothin' about birthing no babies!!! (so it will be interesting!)

Love, Mom

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I couldn't resist!

Ok - obviously I am feeling better today because today on my way home from work, I made a tiny detour (to Katy) to Babies R Us and made a few purchases. I know, I know. These are my last purchases for now, I promise!! But I just had to see what the bedding looked like in the room. It was killing me!! Plus, one of my students gave me cash that I wanted to use toward the baby, so I also bought the changing table pad and cover. (Thanks, Jaclyn!)
Anyway, I LOVE IT. It's exactly what I wanted. It's gonna be perfect for you.
Oh, and the new diaper bag hanging from the bed came in today from Stina to me for Mother's Day! How sweet!
So, I am feeling a tad better today - still have the stuffy nose but not so much the sinus head. Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes!
Love, Mom

Monday, May 5, 2008

Feeling Icky

I hope you're not feeling as poopy as I am, little baby.
Somehow this weekend in all that shopping and excitement, I caught a cold! I have stuffed up nose, sinus head, and an icky cough. I am trying my best to get better so we can get back in your nursery and keep working, but for now, all I do is sleep. Daddy has been taking care of me. I went to school yesterday and today because I really can't afford to miss, but it's not that bad since I don't have class anymore. Hopefully we'll shake this cold in a few days, and I'll be back to my normal self. Mammy reminded me last night that this is my second (or maybe even third!) cold since I've been pregnant! You'd think with all the prenatal vitamins I take, I could fight off anything!! Oh well, I'm sure it will gone soon enough.
Love, Mom

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Work in Progress

Having a great weekend with your Mammy. Friday night we went to Los Cucos (of course). Saturday, your daddy rowed in the Dragon Boat Races in downtown Houston, so Mammy and I went to cheer him on. He did great, but they didn't win this year. After that, Mammy and I did some shopping for tortillas and baby stuff. Like the picture of me trying out the triplet stroller? Could you imagine?? Last night, daddy and I went to a Cinco de Mayo party at some friends house. And today after church, the three of us shopped ALL DAY at the outlet mall. We racked up on shoes and all kinds of stuff. Mammy leaves tomorrow, but it was a great visit!!

Daddy finished painting the nursery, and he put the rest of your furniture together. It looks soooo nice! I haven't gotten any further than that, but look how pretty it is so far??

Friday, May 2, 2008


Guess what came in today!!!!??

Yep, we got the call this afternoon, and we rushed to Katy to pick it up. As you can see, we STUFFED the truck with all the items. We came home and Bart finished painting the second coat in the nursery while I used my handyman skills that Paw Paw gave me and put together the changing table. We are like two big kids with new toys!!!
Mammy's coming in for a visit tomorrow, and I can't wait to spend some time with her this weekend.
Love, Mom