Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Praise the Lord - Ella slept her first whole night!! Yes, she was NOT a happy camper when she got home from daycare. As you all know, she still has that cold, so I assume she's just not feeling comfortable. So she cried and cried and cried. Again, Bart and I had no idea what to do! She was fed, had a clean diaper and even rocking her could not soothe her. We were out of ideas.

I bathed her, fed her a bottle at nine o'clock, and she was out after just two ounces. I'm thinking - great! She's going to be up in two hours screaming because she is STARVING (as if this baby could starve!! she's got two months of formula stored up in those cheeks!!) Eleven clock...no cries. Twelve o'clock - still no cries. I went to bed, and I guess my body just automatically woke up at 3am. And I was like, "what?!!? she's STILL sleeping?? it's a MIRACLE!!" I went check for a pulse, but she was just all snuggled up with her little lamb blanket. I went back to bed and slept till 4:30am. It was WOOOONDERFUL. As I fed her this morning, awake for the day, I wondered how a baby goes from waking up every three hours to sleeping almost EIGHT HOURS?? I don't really care, I just hope it happens again!!

It's 9:30, and she's been sleeping for a half hour already. I am going to bed soon so I can take advantage of the sleep!! My first day of full class was great! I love my kids!! Eighth graders are so funny and entertaining! And I really love the school....the teachers and admin are so welcoming and friendly. I think its going to be a wonderful experience. (I sure am singing a different tune than I was a week earlier, eh??)

So, I have been itching to write a lot lately. Must be the English teacher coming out of me. I have these fleeting thoughts of random funniness, and I feel the need to share them rather than send out an email just to ramble some therapeutic grammar. I hate to combine my random rattling with Ella's blog...I really feel like this is all for her and our experiences with her. Do you think I should create a separate blog just for me? And I could update on Ella, pictures, etc and on my blog, use as my diary - my therapy? What do yall think??

Ok, time for bed. Woohoo. Daddy got a snapshot of Ella tonight while she was lying in her crib (well, she's actually in her pack n play these days....still haven't moved to her nursery yet). I know the outfit is a tad too big. I have tons of onesies that fit, but this one was the first one I grabbed LAST night, and I figure since she slept so well in it last night, I'm trying it again tonight. Hell, she can wear the darn thing EVERY NIGHT if it will help her sleep!! Ha ha. But doesn't she seem to looove her little lamb wooby? Thanks Paw Paw Tom!!

Love, Mama Gelle


Michelle and Jason said...

That's such fantastic news! Hopefully this will continue. I can't believe how cute she is in that little pumpkin outfit! ADORABLE!

I'm glad I've gotten you addicted to Flair - it is such fun, isn't it! A great way to introduce your class to yourself; I'm sure they were impressed (and I'm glad you're having such a good experience)!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

okay mommy...remember who this blog is for and who will want to read "all about Ella" one day....ELLA!!! You, mommy, are an eloquent writer, this is true, but I agree with you...make your own blog but leave all this blog about ELLA.... However, I have enjoyed reading all about her sleeping schedule and yes, Ella, we will tell her one day how it is very possible for a baby to wake up every three hours then sleep for eight or nine hours...tell her,Ella, I'm a baby and I can do whatever I want!!! Love you in that precious outfit and tell mom that mammy agrees, if you sleep all night in it...wash it every morning and put you sleeping in it again and again!!! I love you, Ella, and your mommy too!! mammy