Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ella Loves October

Ok, so does Mommy!! I just love the color orange (and browns and yellows). And Ella wears orange well. Today she had on her little "So Cute It's Scary" outfit for daycare. Too cute! We got some photo ops outside today in this great weather we've been having - another reason I love October. Ella is doing great...still breaking up my sleeping, but Bart and I are starting to take turns, which means last night I slept from 11 to 5! Woohoo!

Now let's talk hair. Ella's got that silky little hair on top, and in the back by her neck, its long - even over her collar - and that hair is soft. But on her crown - around the back - the hair has always been fuzzy. Almost like cotton. It even gets a knot sometimes - one little small one that I had to cut out. But today I picked her up from daycare, and this is what I see.

What the hell is that?? It's like a giant clump of cottony matted hair, and then beneath that she's bald!! I know you're probably all going to say its normal, but wow! She looks like a bald man from behind!!

Anyway, that's all that is new! OH, and my cousin Mike and his wife Kristin had a little boy last week. His name is Brody Michael Roccaforte, so Ella's got a new second cousin?? I don't have any pics yet, but they're coming!! Congrats to the new parents!!

Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

I had to "cackle out loud" at the "and look at what I see on her head" comment. OMG. That is too funny! I love the bebe Ella stories! Keep up the good work! And congrats to the new bebe in the family!


Anonymous said...

sooooooooooooooooo funny angle w the hair! about an hour ago i noticed a mangey, dingle berry looking knot in the back of briggs hair for the first time, so this blog is making me laugh even more.
i mean, what did you do w her hair, can you comb it out??? im so w lacie and cackling out loud!

Anonymous said...

Ella... I know exactly why your hair looks like that even though your mommy doesn't! You are going to definitely have "DADDY HAIR" and not "MOMMY HAIR". That is all that curly hair that your daddy and Aunt Anna and Aunt Mary have and you will have the same. I, for one, am so excited because I LOVE their hair!! So if Mammy is right, enjoy little one, because you will never have to worry about perms in your lifetime!!! I LOVE IT!!!! AND... you are beautiful!!! I love you my little Ella... Mammy

~Michelle said...

Wow - she is sporting the pawpaw head fo sho! That is so funny! She will grow up to have the prettiest hair in high school and when she complains that she cant fix her hair before prom, you can just bust out this pic and say it could be worse sista!!!


Anonymous said...

Motherhood and all the laughs and joy it brings into the lives of many. Gelle you crack me up though I must admit my reaction probably would be much the same....seriously is Ella just testing you and thinking of ways to make you go....."what the hell". Curly hair wow she is definatly going to make the boys fall all over her. Love Amber xxx