Sunday, October 12, 2008

Getting Ready for Halloween

Not too much of an exciting weekend. Daddy barbecued last night, and we watched the debachery of a football game, also known as LSU getting their butts whipped by Florida. Today, Ella and I just hung out while Daddy went biking in Waco with his friends. He's getting ready for his big 24-hour bike race next weekend at Rocky Hill. I hope his distraction with Ella hasn't cut too much into his bike training!!

Meanwhile, I broke out the old jumperoo. I know she's a little young for it yet, but she was getting bored with the bouncer and the swing, so I thought I'd try it out. She liked it!! She loved looking around at all the exciting things going on around her. She couldn't quite touch the ground, so I improvised with a few phonebooks (I know those things are good for something - thanks, Pen!). Don't you love that one look she's giving you? It's my favorite....its like she's almost giving you "the eyebrow," like "what you talkin' bout, Willlis?" Ha ha.

In the afternoon, we took a few pics in the backyard in her Halloween costume. Ella's been practicing with Daddy on how to carry her pumpkin and beg for candy with those big blue eyes! She's a natural.

Tomorrow its back to daycare while I get some stuff done in my classroom. No school tomorrow (yay!), but I have lots to set up and catch up on. Woohoo!

Love, Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

Ella P is soo cute in her little pumpkin costume! Love it! And the raised eyebrow - how funny! I think she definitely gets that from her mom! :)
- Lacie

Farrell Family said...

I think so too, Auntie Lacie!

Kelli said...

How cute is that pumpkin costume?!? She is adorable! I can't wait for Garrett to arrive, so he can wear his pumpkin costume for Halloween!!! Love ya!
Your Big Angel :)

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of her carrying her pumpkin! She's getting so big. She looks too cute in her pumpkin outfit.


Elizabeth said...

I am loving the pumpkin costume! She's getting so big so fast!

Anonymous said...

Ella, you look so precious in your halloween costume...much cuter than Zoe looks in his!! I'm sure you and Daddy & Mommy will have a good time filling your pumpkin for halloween...just be sure to watch them b/c I KNOW they will try to steal your candy!! I miss you so much and want to just squeeze my little pumpkin!! Love & kisses from your Mammy

Anonymous said...

Where was Zoe? You haven't mentioned your dog...