Sunday, October 19, 2008

Girls Weekend!

Sorry its been a while. Unfortunately, Ella slept through the night that ONE night, and it never happened again. She HAS skipped a feeding...she sleeps from like 9pm till 2:30am, but she can not sleep through that 2:30 feeding for anything. Its starting to take its toll on Mommy because I am hoarse with stuffy nose....again.

We had a little girls weekend. Bart had his bike race this weekend, so he left Friday. Friday nigt, Ella and I met Michelle and her friend Dearing at Lupe Tortilla for dinner. We had a great time catching up. I'm waiting for Chelle to send me some pics, and I will post them. Saturday and Sunday, Ella and I just hung out and watched movies. It was a little tiring trying to catch up on sleep....I guess I have to get used to the fact that Saturdays and Sundays are not for sleeping late anymore! I was up by 6:30 on Saturday. Ugh!

Daddy got home tonight. He and his team came out 4th place in the expert division. He came home stinky and smelly but without too many major injuries, so thats good! I am pooped so I am going to bed early again tonight. Hopefully I'll catch up on sleep soon!!!

Love, Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

nathan is 4 now and he is up every morning for 6. it doesnt really get better unfortunately...but it is nice when he goes to bed at 7 and i have mommy time until i decide to hit the hay.

Anonymous said...

Ella Pearl....I need for you to tell your mommy something for me. When I was a young girl and first married, I LOVED sleeping late since I was never allowed to sleep late at my parent's house. We always had to get up early and clean the house. So when I first got married, I used to sleep late...sometimes until 9:30!! Now, I know this doesn't sound real late, but for PawPaw Larry, that was REALLY late (you'll learn about him later). Anyway...I got to sleep late until my first baby was born and I'm convinced that PawPaw got to those babies before I did b/c NONE of my kids EVER sleep late in the morning. They were ALL up at five for that morning bottle and that was usually with their last bottle being at 12 or 12:30. Now a 2 o'clock feeding was never out of the question for them. So I guess what I'm trying to say is.... tell her that sleeping late is a luxury she will never probably see again until you and your brothers and sisters are all past the age of 18...and that will still only happen if none of you take after your PawPaw Larry!!!

~Michelle said...

I sent those pics a week ago. Get with it Gelle!!! haha! I will let it slide this time because of the lack of sleep and all. Hope you get to feeling better soon. I am so glad we got to see each other. Ella, you need to let your mommy sleep!

Love, Chelle