Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Green Eyed Monster

Well, the green-eyed monster is rearing its ugly head...Zoe. Yes, our little pup Zoe is showing some signs of jealousy. Maybe she's starved for attention. Maybe she's just had it with this new little munchkin that invaded her home. I don't know what it is, but she is going nutty! Yesterday, she went upstairs and emptied the office trash can. She chewed up every bit of paper, wrappings and whatever else was in there to bits. It was strewn across the floor in the gameroom. Then tonight when we got back from Target, she got into a box of crayons. She chewed those up to bits, and it was all over our closet floor. I could be wrong, but I don't think she is a happy camper. We'll have to give her some extra love this weekend.

Ella's getting ready for her Mammy. She's coming visit from Sunday to Wednesday!! We're all so excited!! Yay!!

Here's a few snapshots...Ella still loooves bath time! In fact, that hair craziness actually went away when we gave her a bath that night. All the knots came out (thank God!), and it all went back to normal. Now, every day when we come home from daycare, her hair is full of knots though...Mammy may be right. She just may have that curly Farrell hair! I'm so glad you could all get a good laugh at my expense. Ha!

Dear Jesus, Please don't let these cheeks make me fall over!! Love, Ella

Love, Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

How cute is that last picture!! Love it! Can't wait to see you and Ella again.


Anonymous said...

OMG, wow. I love the pictures. I must say, Ella totally looks like a mini-Angelle!

Love y'all!

Avery's Mom said...

I had a little green eyed monster named Max (he's a Yorkie) when I had Avery....we had some challenging with him after he was dethroned from King of the House!!! Hang in there, it will get better once Ella can play with Zoe. Now Avery and Max are best friends and they play with each other...

Happy Weekend! Geaux Tigers!

Anonymous said...

Camryn thinks she is begging someone to put the TV on Noggin!!!!

Anonymous said...

Little Baby Ella... Those precious chunky cheeds are what I love most and they are what I miss the most. Get ready because whenever I see you that will be what I will do the entire time... squeeze those precious chunky little cheeks!! You are so adorable and I love you so much!! Can't wait to hold you this weekend.... mammy

Anonymous said...

Ella you are a beautiful little girl and I know that you are told that every day but just had to tell you that I love you and can not wait to come and play with you and Zoe. Lots of Love Amber xxx