Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ella's First Shots

Yesterday, I took Ella to the pediatrician for her first shots. She was so good while we were waiting...I felt so bad as I knew what was coming (and she had no clue!) First they weighed her. She weighs 12 lbs 8 ozs!! And she is 23 1/2 inches long!

After all of that, then came the hard part. She had three shots: two on the top of one thigh and one on the top of the other. She was laying across the table looking up at me. She kinda squinted when they rubbed her legs with that cold alcohol swab, but then she was just happy as can be. Then the nurse held down her legs and gave her the first one. She looked at me and didn't even have time for the frown - she went straight to screaming! Then came the next one. She looked at me as if to say "Why are you letting them do this to me!?!?!" She's crying. I'm crying. And then the last shot, thank God!! It was over, but we were both a mess. She got little Tweety Bird bandaids, and I finally got to pick her up and hold her. She calmed down a little, but you could see she was hurting. On our way home, I stopped and got her some Infant Tylenol to make her feel better. I got myself a Starbucks Latte to make ME feel better! I was a nervous wreck! Once we got home, she slept like a baby on her little lamb from Paw Paw Tom. When she woke up, she was clutching onto it, and she was just fine. Poor little thing.

Not looking forward to THAT again!

Love, Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

I had my mother go with me for shots. She held the boys. They cried, she cried and I cried. I just couldn't do it.
I am sure your Mother will be right there for the next round!!

Anonymous said...

MEAN MEAN OLD DOCTOR!!!! It's a good thing i wasn't there with your mommy when you got those shots. That is a mean old doctor that gave you those shots and remember that when you have to pick your vocation one day!! YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE A BABY DOCTOR!! I remember how much I HATED having to bring your mommy to get her shots. I cried just like she cried when you got yours. It'll be better, baby Ella... I love you so much!!! Mammy

Anonymous said...

MEAN MEAN OLD DOCTOR!!!! It's a good thing i wasn't there with your mommy when you got those shots. That is a mean old doctor that gave you those shots and remember that when you have to pick your vocation one day!! YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE A BABY DOCTOR!! I remember how much I HATED having to bring your mommy to get her shots. I cried just like she cried when you got yours. It'll be better, baby Ella... I love you so much!!! Mammy

~Michelle said...

Awww poor things! At least it was something that Tylenol and Starbucks can fix! When I get a shot, icecream makes it all better. I love all the new pics. She is getting so big and I cant wait to see both of you next week. Yay!

Love, Chelle

Anonymous said...

OUCH I was in pain just reading that not to mention the tears welling up a little, I was happy to hear the story had a happy ending with Tylenol and Starbucks!!! Give Ella a kiss and cuddle for me as it sounds like she was very brave. Maybe I will be there to hold your hand the next round or at least pre order the starbucks. Love to you all, miss you all xxxx Amber