Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ella's got a cold...

Well, Ella's got her first cold. Go figure that it coincides with her first week at daycare! Just stuffy nose and a cough. We went to the doctor today, and she says everything's ok. Just lots of snot! Hee hee. Here's a little video of her gooing and gahing, despite her little cold!

This Thursday was my first day back at school. Although I whined like a baby to go back, it ended up being a great experience going back. The teachers have made me feel so welcome. My kids seem really excited to have me as their teacher, and that makes me excited to teach them. PLUS, we have a three-day weekend already! Woohoo!

Love, Mama Gelle


Michelle and Jason said...

Such a happy little girl! Cute, cute, cute!

Michelle (your favorite AL girl)

Anonymous said...

Awww - she's such a cutie, and in good spirits even with a cold! I love the videos - keep them coming, momma! :)

- Lacie

Anonymous said...

I cried through the entire time you were cooing!! I want to be there cooing with you!! You are just so precious...tell mom to keep the camera higher next time so i can see all of your beautiful face!! I love you soooooo much!! Mammy