Monday, September 29, 2008

Ella Pearl's Baptism

This past weekend, Ella became a Christian!

On Sunday, September 28th, Ella was baptized at St. Peter Catholic Church in Reserve, Louisiana. It was a beautiful day. We dressed her in the baptismal gown that Mammy made for the family. It's the same gown that many of Ella's cousins were baptized in, and it will be the same gown that her children will be baptized in one day too! She looked so peaceful, just like an angel. We took lots of pictures of her in her great great grandfather's Maurice Montz 's cradle (that would be Mammy's Paw Paw).

At the church, Father Paul gave a inspiring service about family, values and tradition. It was so perfect considering both families were united as one for little Ella's special day! Ella was so well-behaved throughout the entire ceremony. In fact, she was awake and almost smiling when Father Paul sprinkled holy water on her forehead. I think she thought it was bath time, which she loves! She only started to cry at the very end when we were taking pictures.

Here's Ella with her oldest cousin Gabrielle. Gi went on a date to her first dance the night before. This is a great picture of the alpha and the omega!

Her nanny is my sister Kelly Curtis and her parain is Bart's brother Patrick Farrell. They were sooo proud to be there, and we know they're going to be excellent godparents for Ella.

After the baptism, we had a little reception at Mammy and Paw Paw's house. Mammy and I decorated everything with pink and white. The cake was really beautiful (not to mention DELICIOUS!) Paw Paw made his usual excellent jambalaya which was a hit! Everything was just a wonderful mix of family and friends, and we couldn't have asked for a more perfect day!

We welcome our little angel, Ella into the Catholic church!

Love, Mama Gelle


Andrea's Mom said...

She is so cute! I can't wait to see her again.

Anonymous said...

Ella is such a little angel!
- Lacie

Anonymous said...

I don't know what PawPaw and I did to deserve nine, count them NINE such beautiful little girls. Each and every one of you is so beautiful in your own little way and I just love watching you all grow up...but please don't grow up too fast!! You are all so special to PawPaw and I and we are so proud to welcome our newest little angel to our family!! We love you, Ella!!!